Guide Program Management

This page serves as a reference for the Guide Program coordinator, who reviews applications, matches new contributors to Guides, checks in with participants, and reviews feedback from participants to inform future iterations on the program.

Reviewing Form Submissions

Review form submissions in the Guide Program Responses spreadsheet in the Training Team’s Google Drive folder. Note that this spreadsheet is private in order to keep contact information and anonymous feedback private, so please request access to this document from a Team RepTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. if needed. The spreadsheet consists of three tabs:

Reviewing New Contributor Applications

  1. Verify the information on the application submissions by checking if the The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. profile and SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at username are valid.
  2. Check the notes for any points of concern (e.g., they are trying to find a mentor for a different Make team).
  3. If all looks good, you can continue to match the new contributor to a Guide.

Reviewing Guide Applications

  1. Verify the information on the application submissions by checking if the profile and Slack username are valid.
  2. Check for any points of concern (e.g., they are actually new a contributor and not experienced).
  3. If all looks good, you can add the Guide to the list of current guides, and continue to match them with new contributors.

Matching New Contributors to Guides

Once you’ve identified a pairing, send the Guide the following information about each new contributor:

  • Slack Username
  • .org profile
  • Areas of Contributions
  • Roles of interest
  • Timezone in UTC
  • Language(s)
  • Notes and/or any comments about the contributor

In the “New Contributors” tab on the Guide Program Responses spreadsheet, fill out these sections: Notes, Guide Assigned, Started, and Ended. Notes can include dates of any actions taken, such as the date on which you reached out to the contributor.

Introducing New Contributors to Guides

Start a new DM in Slack that includes the New Contributor and Guide to introduce them. You can use the following message as a guide, but feel free to put your own personal spin on it:

Hello, @CONTRIBUTOR! My name is NAME and I’m a contributor to the #Training team. I am happy to let you know that you will be participating in the Guide Program, and I’d like to introduce you to your Guide to the Training Team, @GUIDE!

I will also be adding you to the #training-guide-program channel, where all participants can connect, ask questions, and share resources and experiences.

I’ll leave it up to you two to determine when you’d like to kick off the program, and how you’d like to communicate, but it is expected that you will complete the program within a month.

Thank you for participating in the Training Team’s Guide program!

It is not required for them to communicate within this group DM as they progress through the program — they should be encouraged to continue chatting one on one with each other.

Program Kickoff

When adding folks to the #training-guide-program channel, it is recommended to create an introduction thread for folks to introduce themselves in. The opening message could be something like:

Welcome to our newest contributors! The Training Team’s Guide Program serves to support new contributors to the Training Team, similar to a mentorship or buddy program.

This is a public channel where folks participating in the Guide Program can connect, ask questions, and share resources and experiences. It is up to you and your Guide to determine when you’d like to kick off your program and how you’d like to communicate, but it is expected that you will complete the program within a month.

Please feel free to ask any questions about the program in this channel, or just connect with each other here. We’re looking forward to your contributions to the Training Team!

It’d be great to get to know you all. Please introduce yourself in a thread here and tell us:

  • What area of the world you are joining us from
  • What you do with WordPress
  • What you enjoy outside of WordPress

Weekly check in

A weekly check-in is a good practice in order to keep participants engaged and accountable. By Friday morning of each week, post a check-in message in #training-guide-program, which can be similar to:

New contributors, please share:

  • Something new that you’ve learned this week.
  • Any questions, challenges, and/or blockers we can help you with.
  • Wins you’d like to celebrate with us!

Feel free to add your own personal touch to the message! It could be fun to add a social question (e.g., “What are your plans for the weekend?”). The goal for these check-ins is to keep participants engaged and supported.

Supporting Guides

Use the private #training-guides channel to communicate with Guides. This channel is private to provide a safe space for Guides to discuss any concerns or challenges they may encounter while participating in the program.

Program Feedback

When a contributor has completed the program, instruct the Guide to share the Feedback Form with those contributors. Review the feedback in the Guide Program Responses spreadsheet and reach out to respondents that requested a follow-up. Please also consider any suggestions for improvement to iterate upon the program.

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