Hosting Training Team Meetings

The Training Team alternates between official Team Meetings and casual Coffee Hours each week in the #training Slack channel. You can see the current meeting times in the welcome box on, and find more details on the Training Teamʻs meetings calendar. These meetings usually run for about an hour.

Hosting Team Meetings

Any Training Team member can host/co-host Training Team meetings! You may find it helpful to take the following short courses before hosting a meeting:

If you are interested in hosting a Training Team meeting, please contact the team reps in the #training Slack channel to express your interest.

When hosting a meeting, refer to the agenda (which is posted on Make/Training a few days before the meeting), post any relevant links, and allow for discussion. The format generally goes like this:

  • Mark the start of the meeting with an introduction and welcome
  • Share News items
  • Share content published on Learn WordPress in the week
  • Share open requests for review
  • Share updates on current projects
  • Hold an open discussion on additional topics that participants bring to the meeting.
  • Close the meeting. 

It is good practice to keep the conversation moving in the interest of time. If heated debates start to happen and/or a discussion goes on too long, guide folks to post and/or comment on the Make/Training blog for further discussion.

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Hosting Coffee Hours

Coffee hours are casual chats with no specific agenda, on a video conference call (usually Zoom). The calls are a time for Training Team members to connect socially, and should follow the Code of Conduct. There is no need to record these calls.

If you are interested in hosting a Coffee Hour, please contact the team reps in the #training channel to express your interest.  If you need access to the team’s shared Zoom account, it is important to request this ahead of time.

When hosting Coffee Hours, announce the start of the session in the #training channel in Slack, and provide a video conferencing link.

After Coffee Hours are over, please note in SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at who attended Coffee Hours and thank the attendees for joining. Also, leave a brief note about what was discussed during the call, and any links that were shared during that time. 

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