The Faculty team uses Help Scout to manage incoming training team emails for:
- Training team contact form submissions
- Online Workshop facilitator applications
- Course applications
- Content feedback
We have a number of Saved Replies set up in Help Scout for you to use. Please do not delete any emails but either mark them as:
- Pending – the email has been processed but requires further action. You can assign it to a team member.
- Closed – the email has been processed and no further action is required
- Spam – anything that you identify as spam. If in doubt, ask another team member.
Note about managing spam in Help Scout:
If spam has arrived through an application form, please mark it as spam in the site dashboard under “Feedback”, and not in Help Scout. Simply close the message in Help Scout. This is to avoid Help Scout flagging legitimate submissions as spam.
Training team contact form submission
Follow reviewing Training team contact forms guide.
Online Workshop facilitator applications
Follow the Reviewing Facilitator Applications guide.
Lesson plan applications
Details to follow.
Course applications
Details to follow.