Dev-squad GitHubGitHubGitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. triage: Biweekly on Thursdays 07:00 UTC
Please remember to review content constructively and kindly. The emphasis is not on perfection but rather on community, contribution and iteration.
If you’re reviewing non-English content, please follow this guide instead: Reviewing Translations
Suggestions for how to review tutorials/lessons and provide actionable feedback
Are the learning outcomes or achievement objectives clear?
Check for technical accuracy, i.e. has the person described or misdescribed something or used any technical terms incorrectly. Suggest ways of explaining things better or more clearly.
Is the speed of demonstrations appropriate to follow along and understand?
Does the narration match the slides and demonstration?
Are grammar and spelling correct? (Note, the Training Team uses American English for its English resources. See Language and Spelling for more information about this.)
Suggestions for how to review courses and provide actionable feedback
Are the learning outcomes or achievement objectives clear?
Check for technical accuracy, i.e. has the person described or misdescribed something or used any technical terms incorrectly? Suggest ways of explaining things better or more clearly.
Are the steps clear and accessible for anyone to follow, including ESL (English as a Second Language) and neurodivergent readers?
Does the layering of information successfully build from lesson to lesson?
Is it easy to skim-read the content?
Are grammar and spelling correct? (Note, the Training Team uses American English for its English resources. See Language and Spelling for more information about this.)
Could we improve the activities and assessments in the course?
Do lessons contain enough relevant links to documentation (WordPress documentation or any other relevant documentation)?
Do all the links work?
Also, if there are parts of the content you particularly liked, feel free to leave comments about those on the GitHubGitHubGitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. issue, too!
If so, then please leave your review comments on the GitHub issue tracking the creation of that piece of content. You can do this by following these steps:
Find the GitHub issue for the content you are reviewing. (You can find a list of content needing feedback from this link.)
Copy-paste the appropriate checklist from below as a new comment on the GitHub issue. (There are different checklists for different types of content.)
For Tutorials and Learning Pathway Lessons
## Tutorial/Lessons Review Checklist
Please tick all items you've confirmed:
- [ ] Learning outcomes/objectives are clear.
- [ ] Technical concepts introduced in the content are accurate.
- [ ] The speed of demonstrations are easy to follow.
- [ ] The narration audio matches what is shown visually.
- [ ] Spelling and grammar are correct.
- [ ] Sound quality is consistent throughout the video.
- [ ] [Brand Usage Guidelines]( and [Promotional Guidelines]( are being followed.
- [ ] Media assets are all in the public domain ([CC0](
Leave an additional comment below with feedback. You can also share what you liked about this Tutorial.
For Courses
## Course Review Checklist
Please tick all items you've confirmed:
- [ ] Learning outcomes/objectives are clear.
- [ ] Technical concepts introduced in the content are accurate.
- [ ] Steps are easy to follow.
- [ ] Each lesson successfully builds on top of each other.
- [ ] Content is easy to skim-read.
- [ ] Spelling and grammar are correct.
- [ ] Activities/assessments are appropriate.
- [ ] Lessons contain enough links to relevant resources.
- [ ] [Brand Usage Guidelines]( and [Promotional Guidelines]( are being followed.
Leave an additional comment below with feedback. You can also share what you liked about this Course.
Once the comment has been published, you’ll notice it has turned into a checklist. Go through and check off items as you review the comment.
Leave an additional comment on the GitHub issue with any additional feedback you have.
And you’re done! Thank you for contributing to the Training Team.
Leaving feedback in GitHub helps the Training Team track your contributions. It also helps others see what comments have already been made so that their efforts don’t double up with what has already been done.
If so, then please leave your review as a new Content Feedback issue on GitHub. This tracks your contribution to the team, and also leaves a public note about your feedback so that anybody can come and make updates as needed. You can submit a new report by following these steps: