Promotional Guidelines

When presenting a tutorial or facilitating an online workshop, it must be ensured that brand usage guidelines are followed as well as not making sure that people don’t go overboard with promoting the presenter’s own brand/company. The Community Team handbook has set a precedent here that will also apply to Learn WordPress content, so much of the language on this page is copied/borrowed from there.

Follow the Code of Conduct

The Learn WordPress Code of Conduct outlines how to behave in an online workshop, and we expect presenters and facilitators to follow this guide in their presentations as well. This means that slides/imagery should be respectful, not include demeaning, discriminatory or harassing content and be family-friendly (i.e. no foul language, nudity or other inappropriate content).

Actively promote Learn WordPress and other official WordPress content

Many social media content conclude with a message along the lines of “For more content like this, come visit this link/channel/etc.” In a similar manner, let’s actively promote the The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. domain, the Learn WordPress platform, and other content created by the WordPress project. Here are some ways to do this:

  • Provide links to related learning material on Learn WordPress in Courses and Lesson Plans
  • Conclude Tutorials and Online Workshops with a call-out to Learn WordPress
  • Introduce the WordPress Developer Blog in developer focused content

Feel free to drop other promotional ideas you have in the #training Slack channel.

Do not overuse brand logos

Presenters and facilitators are allowed to include their company logo in their slides, on their shirts, or in a video background. When it comes to slides/video please only include the logo in an optional opening/closing informational slide and not throughout the presentation.

For the sake of clarity, “logo” here includes company social media handles and even the company name written out in plain text in lieu of a logo.

Presenters and facilitators are approved based on their knowledge and experience as individuals and not their company affiliation, and company promotion throughout a slide deck suggests that the opposite is true. An informational slide with the speaker’s company makes sense as information about who is speaking, but the rest of the slide deck should be dedicated to the content being presented.

Stick to reasonable follower callouts

It’s reasonable to expect presenters or facilitators to say something like “like/follow/subscribe to my channel/stream/profile for more updates.” This is allowed for tutorials and online workshop facilitation provided the callouts follow the brand usage guidelines, respect the GPLGPL GPL is an acronym for GNU Public License. It is the standard license WordPress uses for Open Source licensing The GPL is a ‘copyleft’ license This means that derivative work can only be distributed under the same license terms. This is in distinction to permissive free software licenses, of which the BSD license and the MIT License are widely used examples. (see below), do not ask attendees to make any financial commitment, and have a clearly linked privacy policy regarding how submitted details are handled.

Respect the GPL

All content must respect the GPL. In practice, this means any WordPress plugins or themes that are mentioned must be licensed under the GPL or a compatible licence. For more information, read this handy GPL Primer and go through the 100% GPL Vetting Checklist.

Understand Copyrights and Fair Use

When including images, text, videos, and any other materials that the presenter or facilitator themselves didn’t produce, make sure that they are using them in accordance with copyright laws and/or the Terms of Use of the provider.

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