Publishing a Tutorial

The Tutorial content type is deprecated and no new tutorials are being created. Existing tutorials will be converted to Lessons.

Read this page in other languages: Gujarati (Google Doc)

Once your tutorial video has been created and approved for publishing, you can follow this guide for getting your content live.

1. Submit your video to

All Learn WordPress tutorial videos are hosted on You can submit your video over at and use the following details on the form:

  • Video title: The title of your video **Please omit the speaker name and use sentence case for the post and video title
  • Language: The language in which your video was recorded
  • Date Recorded: The date you are uploading your video
  • Location: World Wide Web
  • CategoryCategory The ‘category’ taxonomy lets you group posts / content together that share a common bond. Categories are pre-defined and broad ranging.: Learn WordPress
  • Producer The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. Username: The username of the person who created the video
  • Speakers: The full names (not usernames) of all the presenters featured in the videos
  • Event: Leave blank
  • Description: A short description of your video – this should be the same description used on Learn WordPress
  • Slides URLURL A specific web address of a website or web page on the Internet, such as a website’s URL The link to your slides, if you used them – these can be hosted anywhere
  • Video file: The actual file of your video – see the sidebarSidebar A sidebar in WordPress is referred to a widget-ready area used by WordPress themes to display information that is not a part of the main content. It is not always a vertical column on the side. It can be a horizontal rectangle below or above the content area, footer, header, or any where in the theme. for accepted file formats

Submitted videos will need to be approved by Faculty members before they appear on Once you have submitted your video, please notify Faculty members by pinging @faculty in the #training SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel. Here is a sample message you can submit:

Hi @faculty 👋🏼 I’ve just submitted a video titled TITLE_OF_VIDEO to Could you approve this for me please? Thanks!

Alternatively, you can also contact the Training team by emailing including your name, the title of your video and the date on which you uploaded it.

At this stage, you will be waiting for an admin to approve your video. In the meantime, you can continue with the steps on this page.

Are you a Faculty member? You can approve submitted videos here.

2. Generate subtitles and a transcript for your video

All videos on Learn WordPress must have subtitles and a full transcript wherever possible. Please follow this subtitling guide to do this. Since you already have your video file available to you, you can jump straight to step 3. You can ignore step 7 for now.

Once you have uploaded your subtitle file, you will be waiting for an admin to approve it. In the meantime, you can continue with the steps on this page.

Are you a Faculty member? You can approve submitted subtitles here.

3. Create/edit your tutorial post

With your video uploaded and subtitles on the way, you can now create the post for your tutorial (or edit it if it already exists as a draft). This requires access to the Learn WordPress dashboard, so if you do not have that access please email these details to along with your name and the title of your tutorial. If you do have access then you can add the info directly into the tutorial post.

Either create a new tutorial post or edit the existing one and add the following information in the main post content area:

  • Tutorial title: The title of your tutorial
  • Description: A short description of your tutorial – this should be the same as the description on
  • Learning outcomes: A numbered list of things that people will learn by watching this tutorial video
  • Comprehension questions: A numbered list of questions that learners can ask themselves to test their own knowledge of the video content
  • Transcript: The full transcript of your video as you generated it in step 2 above

Find the ‘Tutorial Details’ section in the sidebar of the post editor and add the following information there:

  • URL: The URL of your tutorial video page on
  • Duration: The length of your tutorial in hours, minutes and seconds
  • Language: The language in which your video was recorded
  • Captions: The languages in which your video has been subtitled – this must be the same as the reocrded language as well as any other languages into which the subtitles have been translated

Find the ‘Presenters’ section in the sidebar of the post editor and add the following information there:

  • User Names: A comma-separated list of the usernames of all presenters in the video. You must add at least ONE presenter to the tutorial for it to display on the Learn WordPress site, either on the list of recent tutorials on the home page or on the list of published Tutorials.

Use this Google Slides template to create a featured imageFeatured image A featured image is the main image used on your blog archive page and is pulled when the post or page is shared on social media. The image can be used to display in widget areas on your site or in a summary list of posts. for your tutorial. On the Google Slides page, go to File > Make a copy to copy the presentation to your own Google account and edit it from there. Once you have edited the slide to show the relevant tutorial details, go to File > Download > JPEG image to download it as an image. Upload this image as the featured image for your tutorial

4. Create a quiz for your tutorial

While it isn’t a strict requirement, Ideally, all tutorials should have a linked quiz of 3-5 questions that help learners test and solidify their new knowledge. In order to do this, add a new lesson and give it the same title as your tutorial. In the lesson content, delete the blocks that include the length/difficulty information as well as the ‘Contact Teacher’ button. For the lesson content, include this text (or a variation of it):

This quiz is based on the tutorial, TUTORIAL TITLE.

Link the “TUTORIAL TITLE” to the tutorial page.

IMPORTANT: Find the ‘Course’ section in the sidebar of the post editor and select ‘Tutorial Quizzes’ from the drop-down menu. This will ensure that the quiz can be taken by anyone who clicks through to it from the tutorial.

From here you can add your quiz questions. This guide will help you with how to use the quiz interface.

Once you have added all of your questions and are happy with them, you can publish the lesson.

You now need to link the quiz to the tutorial. To do this, edit your tutorial post (if you already had it open in another tab then you must refresh the tab). Find the ‘Tutorial Details’ section in the post editor sidebar and locate the ‘Linked Quiz’ drop-down menu. Select your quiz name from this drop-down menu and update your post.

If you have done everything listed in this guide and your video and subtitles have been approved on then your tutorial will be ready to go! You can hit publish to share it with the world 🎉

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