Team Rep (Representative)

What is the Team Rep role?

Team Representatives (or Reps) serve for approximately 2 consecutive years, using the first year to get familiar and the second to train the incoming rep.

The Training Team strives to have three team representatives at a time in order to ensure redundancy and diverse opinions in leadership.

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  • Reports to the larger The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. organization.
  • Tracks team activities and aids team members in staying informed through the Training SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel.
  • Guides team meetings and the process behind meeting notes getting published.
  • Provides guidance for Contributor Days and other events the team is part of.

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What Team Reps do:

  1. Provide updates on the Team Updates blog – monthly updates are suggested
  2. Draft the weekly team meeting agenda, including reviewing the happenings in Slack over the past week.
  3. Conduct weekly team meetings in Slack.
  4. Recruit contributors to facilitate portions of the meeting.
  5. Recruit contributors for meeting note-taking and posting the meeting recap.
  6. Review and publish drafts of recap notes.
  7. Assist in planning and execution of flagship Contributor Days.

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Training Team Representative Nomination Process

The Training Team believes in fostering a sustainable community, and with that in mind, we ask that elected team representatives serve the team for 2 consecutive years. This allows team representatives to have enough time to get onboarded to their duties, own and progress the goals of the team, and also train incoming representatives.

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Nomination and voting process

  1. Put out a Call for Nominations by the first week of October
    1. Clarify how many seats are being voted for at this time
  2. Put out the “Vote for Team Reps” post for 3 weeks by November
  3. Announce New Team RepTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. by the first week of December

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Nominee vetting process

After the voting period is over, the current team reps will review the candidates in descending order from the highest votes and evaluate their eligibility based on the following criteria:

  • If they have a Training Team badge.
  • Their last six months of activity in the Performing section of the contributor ladder.
  • Whether or not they have been a Training Team Representative within the last 2 years.
  • Diversity of the team rep group as evaluated through the Team Values.

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New Team Rep Onboarding Checklist

Listed below are onboarding tasks that current and new team representatives can go through to onboard their new co-representative.

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Onboarding Tasks

  • Request photo and bio for announcement post
  • Create group DM and bookmark important links (badge requests, meeting note doc)
  • Decide on synchronous team rep meeting time
  • Decide on new global team meeting time
  • Create a new Team Rep meeting note document

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Stepping down as a Team Rep

As volunteers, we understand that anything can happen, including the need to step away from Team Rep responsibilities. If you find that you can no longer perform your duties as team rep, please reach out to your fellow team reps to discuss next steps together.

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Interim Team Rep Process

There are times when folks need to step away for extended periods for one reason or another, but with the full intention of resuming their duties as soon as possible. For this reason, the team has opted to create an interim team rep process for absences one month or longer.

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Interim rep selection

Team representatives will first reach out to team representative nominees from the previous cycle with the highest vote count, and whom meet the vetting criteria.

Should none of the nominees be available to step in, the current team representatives will seek an interim lead.

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Interim rep onboarding

Once an interim lead has accepted their role, they will start two weeks before the planned leave time of their predecessor and stay on for two weeks after they return. This helps ease the new team rep into the role, and ensure a smooth offboarding process.

No additional access will be granted to the interim team representative.

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Interim rep duties

Below are some of the duties the interim lead will assist with:

  • Hosting our global meetings
  • Participating in the weekly team rep call
  • Helping manage team projects
  • Being a resource to Training Team members

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