The Tutorial content type is deprecated and no new tutorials are being created. Existing tutorials will be converted to Lessons.
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The first step in creating a Tutorial is to decide a topic and have a Subject Matter Expert (SME) vet it for you. You can do this in one of two ways:
- Choose a Tutorial topic that has already been vetted by an SME from the Ready to Create tab of the team’s content development project board.
- Submit a new Content Development (general) GitHub issue from and have an SME vet it for you.
If this is your first time creating a Tutorial, you’ll also want to submit a tutorial presenter application.
If you haven’t yet, now’s a good time to familiarize yourself with the team’s different resources, too.
Once your application has been approved, and your topic has been vetted, you are ready to get started on your Tutorial! Bookmark your topic’s GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. issue, as you’ll be using this to track your progress, and receive feedback from other team members.
Add the Tutorial creation checklist to GitHub
Copy and paste the following checklist as a new comment in your content’s GitHub issue. You can then use this checklist as your guide through the rest of the creation process.
# Tutorial Development Checklist
- [ ] Tutorial [created]( and announced to the team for Q/A review
- [ ] Tutorial reviewed and [ready to publish](
- [ ] Tutorial [submitted and published to WPTV](
- [ ] Tutorial published on WPTV
- [ ] Tutorial [captioned](
- [ ] Tutorial [created on](
- [ ] Tutorial post reviewed for grammar, spelling, etc.
- [ ] Tutorial published on
- [ ] Tutorial [announced to Marketing Team]( for promotion
Creating Your Tutorial
Step 1: Choose screen-recording software
Choose a suitable software program for recording your screen and/or audio, for example
- Descript (free to record for an hour a month)
- Open Shot + Built-In Screen Recording Technology (Screen Recording for Mac Instructions / Screen Recording for PC Instructions)
- Screenpal
- Camtasia
- or another option
Step 2: Ensure Clear Sound
Sound will play an important part in your tutorial, so try to use high-quality sound. If you don’t have access to a microphone, use a headset if possible. There are also noise-cancelling apps available, such as:
- RNNoise
- Neutralizer
- Krisp
- Adobe Audition
- or another option
Step 3: Graphics
The Training Team provides a title card template that you are welcome to use and modify to fit your needs. However, you are also welcome to select a graphics program, such as Canva, Google Slides, or Wordle to create visually appealing slides, infographics and design elements.
To find images to use in tutorials, you can use resources like OpenVerse, Pixabay, or UnSplash, but do take time to check each image’s license to ensure you are using the images correctly.
Step 4: Naming your tutorial
Name your tutorial appropriately. Action words like create, use, explore, help to draw the reader’s attention. Make sure to use sentence case on your title card.
Step 5: Time
Aim for your tutorial to be between 5 – 10 minutes in length. Shorter videos can be more engaging and easier to follow for viewers. We also welcome longer WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They’re one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. or MeetupMeetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on will help you find options in your area. type tutorials of 40-45 minutes duration. Please stay within the time frame which was approved.
Step 6: Script
Write out your script or use an existing lesson plan! This is the part where you gather all of your thoughts, develop an outline for what you would like to present, and begin to work on any supporting materials, such as slides or screenshots.
Step 7: Record your tutorial
Please keep these guidelines in mind when recording the tutorial video.
- WPTV Submission Guidelines
- Brand Guidelines for Learn WordPress
- Promotional Guidelines for Learn WordPress
- Ensure that media assets are CC0 (you can make use of or Openverse)
- Start your tutorial video with an introductory slide and clear introduction.
- Remember to share the objectives or outcomes of the tutorial to help guide the viewer. Learning objectives are more powerful if they are actionable and measurable.
- When creating slides and graphics, keep the ‘coherence principle’ in mind: People learn better with less extraneous words, pictures and sounds.
- Once you’ve recorded your tutorial, it is time to edit. Cut out any mistakes and place your recording into the correct order.
- Submit your tutorial to the training team for a review. This can be done by either uploading the video to the GitHub tracking issue, or linking to it in the issue, if you have it hosted elsewhere.
Step 8: The tutorial review period
The next step is to wait for a member of the training team to review your tutorial. As a general rule, tutorials are left open for review for a period of two (2) weeks from the date that they were made available for review.
It is recommended that there should be at least three (3) reviews completed on a tutorial before it can be published.
However, this is more common with tutorials from newer contributors. Content creators who have more experience preparing and publishing tutorials for Learn WordPress will typically publish after three reviews OR once the two-week review period has concluded.
If you’re not sure, it’s always a good idea to check with a member of the training team in the #training channel in SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at
Step 9: Publish your tutorial
When your video is ready and approved by the Training team, upload it to WordPress.TV. Where it says “categoryCategory The ‘category’ taxonomy lets you group posts / content together that share a common bond. Categories are pre-defined and broad ranging.” check the box that says “Learn WordPress.” Once the video is uploaded and published, please add subtitles to the tutorial.
Once the video is uploaded on will be shared with the wider Training team and other Make Teams.
Step 10: Quiz (optional)
Tutorial creators should also submit up to five quiz questions and answers with each tutorial. This will help learners test and solidify their newly acquired knowledge and skills. Follow this link for more information.
Frequently asked questions
Q: What are the technical specs for the video?
A: You will be uploading your video to WordPress.TV, so please keep in mind its Video Submission Guidelines.
Q: Is there a preferred length of recording?
A: We don’t want to place an exact time limit on tutorials, but it is encouraged to stay within 5 – 10 minutes, unless a longer version has been agreed.
Q: Do I need to share the link to my slides?
A: Not necessarily, but you can. Many tutorial presenters tend to include their slides in the video making.
Q: I don’t feel comfortable editing, writing and speaking. Do I have to do it all?
A: No! A lot of care and effort goes into making a video, or any presentation. If there is a particular part of the process you excel at, feel free to include that in your application or reach out in the #training team channel on the Make WordPress Slack to find if there would be anyone interested in helping to divide the tasks with you. Tutorials can be created and presented by others in the Training team or WordPress community.