Hello Polyglots I am the plugin author for…

Hello Polyglots!

I am the plugin author for wp-photo-album-plus https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-photo-album-plus/
Please add me as WordPress.orgWordPress.org The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. https://wordpress.org/ user as translation editorTranslation Editor Translation editors can approve translations for projects. The GTE (General Translation Editor) and LM (Locale Manager) roles can add new users with the "Project Translation Editor" role that can approve translations for specific projects. There are two different Translation Editor roles: General Translation Editor and Project Translation Editor for my native localeLocale Locale = language version, often a combination of a language code and a region code, for instance es_MX denotes Spanish as it’s used in Mexico. A list of all locales supported by WordPress in https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/teams/:

#editor-requests, #language, #nl_nl

Hi all there I’m the catalan validator of…

Hi all there:

I’m the catalan validatorValidator See translation editor. of WordPress.

The catalan language doesn’t appear into the languages selector in backend settings.

Does anyone know why?

#catalan, #language, #translations

Hi everyone I was wondering how i can…

Hi everyone. I was wondering how i can become about wordpress language validatorValidator See translation editor.!??

#language, #translations, #validator

Hi to all Because the person that maintains…

Hi to all.

Because the person that maintains the Macedonian translation of WordPress is inactive, I want to continue the work. – Most of the translation work for 3.7 and 3.8 is done, but no one has released it until now.

Also, with a group of other translators, we translated the bbPressbbPress Free, open source software built on top of WordPress for easily creating forums on sites. https://bbpress.org. dev because we want to use it on a community forum, so we thought it would be better if we contribute the translation for everyone.

Thanks in advance.

#language, #macedonian, #request, #team

He there i would like to provide full…

He there…

i would like to provide full authentic Georgian (ka_GE) translation from the scratch for WordPress
Support also – dedicated web-page/site and regular updates for translations and plugins – considered

current situation:
no Georgian team yet – https://codex.wordpress.org/L10n:Localization_Teams
no currently forming yet – https://codex.wordpress.org/L10n:Teams_Currently_Forming

#georgian, #language, #team, #translation

I want translate WordPress in Pashto language but…

I want translate WordPress in Pashto language but i cant find it on translate.wordpress.orgtranslate.wordpress.org The platform for contributing to the translation of WordPress core, themes and plugins./projects
how can i add new language to WordPress translate.wordpress.org/projects ???????????

#language, #new, #pashto-language

Hi this was discussed already times to create…

Hi, this was discussed already times to create a localeLocale Locale = language version, often a combination of a language code and a region code, for instance es_MX denotes Spanish as it’s used in Mexico. A list of all locales supported by WordPress in https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/teams/ Swiss side

#language, #switzerland

Hi I will translate wp to my language…

I will translate wp to my language (Kurdish badini in Arabic dialog “رێز و سلاڤ گه‌لي هه‌ڤالان”) where can i copyrighting translate ?! please guide me.

#language, #localization

I have translated po file for buddypress on…

I have translated po file for buddypress on Serbian language. How to add it to language directory on wordpress.orgWordPress.org The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. https://wordpress.org/ so any1 can have it?

#buddypress, #language, #serbian, #translation

Hi I’d like to know how to translate…

I’d like to know how to translate a project in a language that is not suggest .
  In fact I want to translate BuddyPress in Swahili and Shi komori but these 2 languages ​​are not suggest.
How to activate these languages. thank you

#how, #language, #suggestion

i want to adding a new language on…

i want to adding a new language on GlotPressGlotPress GlotPress is the translation management software that powers Translate.WordPress.org. More information is available at glotpress.org.. how can i did this ?


Reminder about http make wordpress org polyglots 2012…

Reminder about https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/2012/08/07/i-am-unable-to-import-anything-at-http/

I am unable to import anything at https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp/3.4.x
I am just shown option for exporting stringsString A string is a translatable part of the software. A translation consists of a multitude of localized strings. as .po

@nacin was supposed to look over it… Any updates?

#gu, #language, #request, #translation

I am unable to import anything at http…

I am unable to import anything at https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp/3.4.x
I am just shown option for exporting stringsString A string is a translatable part of the software. A translation consists of a multitude of localized strings. as .po
Do I need some access rights such as that of a validatorValidator See translation editor.?

#gu, #language, #validator

Ze’ I’d like to know how many validators…


I’d like to know how many validators can be there for a language. Thanks.

#burmese, #language, #myanmar, #validator

Hello there! I want to be a validator fo…

Hello there! I want to be a validatorValidator See translation editor. for WordPress.comWordPress.com An online implementation of WordPress code that lets you immediately access a new WordPress environment to publish your content. WordPress.com is a private company owned by Automattic that hosts the largest multisite in the world. This is arguably the best place to start blogging if you have never touched WordPress before. https://wordpress.com/ in the Slovenian language. I speak both English and Slovenian. I also live in Slovenia, that means that the Slovenian language is my mother tounge. I hope, that I’ll get the status soon! My username is: mspacapan

#language, #translate, #validator