Editor, Links: Link to an existing post via the links modal

In the editor, link existing text to an existing post.

#chrome, #desktop, #editor, #links, #macos, #modal

Today in the Nightly: Inline link toolbar and Press This split button

Here are two cool things that recently landed in trunk and are available right now in the nightly build. Install the nightly. Try them.

Inline Link Toolbar

Being able to visit links straight from the editor means no more copy paste into the browser’s location bar. Nice. Also nice is being able to see the link without popping up the link modal.

Screen Shot 2015-06-26 at 1.04.59 AM

One time I tapped X thinking it would dismiss the toolbar.

One time I tapped X thinking it would dismiss the toolbar.

To test, visit the editor and click/tap into a link. The link toolbar will appear. If it does not, try forcing a browser refresh (Shift+Reload in Chrome on Mac OS). Provide feedack on  #32604 or in #core-customize or in reply to this post. Check out this make/flow post for more visuals.

Press This split button

Draft, preview, and standard editor are now in a split button with Publish.

Screen Shot 2015-06-26 at 1.39.13 AMpress_this_with_split_button_on_iphone_6_



To test, go to the Tools menu and check out the Press This section at the top. Provide feedback on #32757 or in #core-pressthis or in reply to this post.

#4-3, #editor, #link-toolbar, #links, #press-this, #today-in-the-nightly, #visual-comparison

Inline link toolbar, Mac and Chrome, iPhone 6+

With 4.3-alpha-32949. For #32604.

Being able to visit links from within the editor means no more cut-and-paste. Love it. Seeing the link without having to pop up the modal is also nice.

Mac and chrome:

iPhone 6+:

#32604, #4-3, #beta, #chrome, #editor, #ios, #link-toolbar, #links, #macos, #safari, #visual-survey, #web

Scrolling beneath modals, Nexus 5, iPhone 5, 4.1-alpha-20141002

The media modal, attachment details modal, and link modal all have scrolling problems on mobile/touch devices. The page beneath them scrolls, resulting in stacked scrolling and a bad experience.

Nexus 5 Media Modal:

Nexus 5 Link Modal:

Nexus 5 Attachment Details Modal:

iPhone 5, all three modals:

#android, #ios, #links, #media, #modal, #phone, #scroll-bleed, #web