Proposal:  Deputy Team Representatives for the WordPress Training Team

The WordPress Training Team is considering the introduction of Deputy Team Representatives to support our existing Team Reps, and we’d like your feedback on this proposal.

Why Are We Considering This? As a volunteer-driven team, we recognize that our Team Reps occasionally face periods where work, personal commitments, or other responsibilities may limit their availability. Currently, when a Team RepTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. needs to step away temporarily, we lack a formal backup system. This can potentially impact team operations and communication flow.

In the proposed role, Deputy Team Reps, will act as backup leaders who would step in when primary team reps are unavailable or need additional support. This role would help maintain consistent team operations during temporary gaps in availability.

Proposed Structure

This is a part-time role with a much smaller window of commitment. We have discovered over the years that asking for a full year or two of time isn’t always possible. The idea is to allow more people to contribute in leadership roles.

  • 3-month maximum term
  • Backup support role (not a permanent Team Rep position)
  • Focus on maintaining continuity during primary Team Rep absences

Potential Responsibilities

  • Assist with team meeting facilitation when needed
  • Support communication between team members and the broader WordPress community
  • Help manage ongoing team projects and initiatives
  • Provide coverage during primary Team Rep absences
  • Contribute to team decision-making processes

Questions We’re Seeking Feedback On

  1. Do you think Deputy Team Reps would be beneficial for our team?
  2. Is the 3-month term appropriate?
  3. What qualities should we look for in Deputy Team Reps?
  4. How should we handle the selection process?
  5. What additional responsibilities should be included or excluded?

We want to hear from our community members about this proposal. Please share your feedback and suggestions in the comments below or in our team SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel.

This proposal aims to strengthen our team’s leadership structure while acknowledging the realities of volunteer commitments. Your input will help shape how we move forward with this initiative.

Next Steps, we’ll collect and review all feedback over the next few weeks before making any decisions about implementing this role.

Please share your thoughts on this proposal by the 7th of February.

Training Team Meeting Recap – 17 December 2024

Meeting Agenda:

SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at Log:

Attendees: @psykro @nazmul111 @shivashankerbhatta @dparthj @sonaliprajapati @dilip2615 @pooja-n @devmuhib @rraventos @rfluethi @dapobabarinde @multanisadik @saif2002 @satishprajapati @freewebmentor @rithika3 @vanpariyar (async) @sumitsingh (async) @nishitajoshi (async) @ironnysh (async) @west7 (async) @digitalchild (async) @jagirbahesh (async) @zeelthakkar (async) @noruzzaman (async) @narenin (async) @huzaifaalmesbah (async) @chauhanraj754 (async)



Meeting Note Takers

Here is our current note taker roster:

Note that this is the last meeting for this year, and we will meet again on Jan 7.
Thank you to @rithika3 for taking notes for this week’s meeting.

Looking for feedback

Looking for volunteers

  • The Tutorial → Lessons migrationMigration Moving the code, database and media files for a website site from one server to another. Most typically done when changing hosting companies. is almost complete and we need some volunteers to finish it u If anyone can help with migrating tutorials to lessons, please comment on that thread.
  • Thumbnails for Learn – Help us make the final 70.
    There are 70 pieces of content on that still need thumbnails. Thank you to everyone who has helped so far. If anyone else as time to help create the final thumbnails, all the details are in that post. 
  • The Training Team is working towards updating the welcome modal in the blockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. editor to include a link to Learn material. Discussions are happening in this GitHub thread. If you can help, please comment there.

Updates from last week’s Triage Squad session

  • As there was no one available to host the meeting last week, the triage-squad session has been moved to this Thursday at 07:00 UTC in the #meta-learn channel. This will be the last triage-squad session of 2024. It has also been suggested that triage-squad sessions move from bi-weekly for half an hour to once a month for one hour. I’d like to propose we kick this off in January, and have triage-squad sessions on the 4th Thursday of every month, for one hour.

Come and Contribute

Content ready for review

Feedback awaiting validation

Topics awaiting vetting

  • See Vetting Topic Ideas for step-by-step guidance on vetting topic ideas.
  • We have 2 issues that require vetting

Good first issues for developers

  • See Developing Learn WordPress for instructions on contributing to the Learn WordPress code.
  • We do not have any issues requiring development

Validated feedback awaiting fix

Contribution Acknowledgement

  • Let’s give props! Do you have someone from the team you want to celebrate? 

Project updates

  1. The third Learn WordPress Course Cohort: The cohort had it’s final call on Wednesday 11 December, 2024. I will be publishing the results of the feedback survey on on Monday, 23 December 2024
  2. Intermediate Plugin Developer course: content update:
  3. Content Maintenance Process Update Phase 1
  4. Proposal: Segmenting Learning Pathway courses for better engagement

If anyone has any other updates for the above projects, please comment in a thread on the relevant message above. If there are any other project updates, please leave them in the comments on this thread.

Upcoming Online Workshops

Contributor Updates

Contributors, please leave any individual updates you’d like to share with the team in a :thread: on the relevant message:

  • What have you been working on and how has it been going?
  • Anything you’ve accomplished since the last meeting?
  • Do you have any blockers?
  • Can other contributor or Training Team members help you in some way?

Open Discussions

  • If you have topics you’d like discussed in the meeting, please feel free to share them with us now.
  • I’d like to note that the we are planning two Training Team 2025 Goals Setting sessions for early 2025. You can read more about this process in the post on the Training Team blog

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #training Slack channel at any time.


#training, #training-team

Training Team Meeting Recap – 10th December 2024

Meeting Agenda:

SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at Log:

Attendees: @sumitsingh @freewebmentor @kaitohm @devmuhib @dparthj @multanisadik @pooja-n @dilip2615 @rfluethi @zeelthakkar @jagirbahesh @digitalchild @rithika3 @nishitajoshi @rinkuiihglobal @west7 @ironnysh (async) @chauhanraj754 (async) @quitevisible (async) @noruzzaman (async) @cnormandigital (async) @mebo (async)

Newcomers: @sandoba @maharshikush @parinpanjari @dinapal

Note taker: @sumitsingh


Meeting Note Takers

  • Dec 10 – @quitevisible , but due to not availability this post created by @sumitsingh
  • Dec 17 – @rithika3
  • Dec 24 – No meeting this week
  • Dec 31 – No meeting this week
  • Jan 7 – Volunteer Needed
  • Jan 14 – Volunteer Needed
  • Thanks for taking this week’s notes @sumitsingh

Looking for feedback

Looking for volunteers

No projects looking for volunteers this week.

Triage Squad Updates

  • The next triage-squad session is scheduled for Thursday, 12 December, at 07:00 UTC.
    Due to a scheduling conflict, I won’t be available at that time. I’d like to find out if anyone else is available to host.
    Alternatively, we can reschedule this for next week, Thursday the 19th.
    I also suggest that this be the last triage session for the year, and we’ll pick it up again in 2025

Other news

Come and Contribute

We have various ways that you can contribute to the Training team. Including development, content creation, editing and more. We have various open issues available for you to get started.

Content ready for review

Feedback awaiting validation

Topics awaiting vetting

  • See Vetting Topic Ideas for step-by-step guidance on vetting topic ideas.
  • We have 2 issues that require vetting

Good first issues for developers

  • See Developing Learn WordPress for instructions on contributing to the Learn WordPress code.
  • We do not have any issues requiring development

Validated feedback awaiting fix

As you can see both our validation and awaiting fixes have plenty of issues that need help. A great place to start

If you are interested in contributing in any of these areas, but you need help getting started, please feel free to ask questions here in the #training channel.

Contribution Acknowledgement

Let’s give props! Do you have someone from the team you want to celebrate? 

@dparthj writes first recap notes post after completing #training-guide-program in 1 week only.

@devmuhib This is my first meeting as a Team RepTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts., and I’m grateful for the opportunity! A big thanks to @kaitohm and @digitalchild for helping in today’s meeting — it’s always a pleasure to contribute.

@22halomedia received the Training Team Contributor badge this week. Congratulations Joey!

Open Discussions

Looks like we don’t have anything at the moment. If anyone has anything async, please reply in this thread and we can keep the discussion going.

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #training Slack channel at any time.

#meeting-recap, #training, #training-team

#learn-wordpress, #meeting-recap, #training, #training-team

Training Team Meeting Recap – 3rd December 2024

Meeting Agenda:

SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at Log:

Attendees: @sumitsingh @digitalchild @dilip2615 @noruzzaman @devmuhib @dapobabarinde @dparthj @rithika3 @kaitohm @psykro @multanisadik @freewebmentor @jagirbahesh @nishitajoshi @zeelthakkar @rfluethi @ironnysh (async) @west7 (async) @pooja-n (async)

Newcomers: @kurotch321 @dparthj @hectorfg @pooja-n @umeshsinghin
@harshsrivasta10 @pratapvashi123 @asdxemedia @arsh999cg @gaurav3006
@sukhpreetuiux @shivamkumar1n2 @fabesoftservices @kiranchaudhary @deepprakashgoyal @abhishekchaurasiya @bhavinmandaliya @shivanshub

Note taker: @dparthj


Meeting Note Takers

Looking for feedback

Looking for volunteers

No projects looking for volunteers this week.

Triage Squad Updates

Other news

  • @digitalchild : I have been speaking to the lead team repTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. for WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Europe about how we can get learn more into the program. Ivelina has asked for us to create a workshop proposal. There is also discussions about doing more advanced developer workshops as well. I think this is news and looking for volunteers at the same itme.

Come and Contribute

We have various ways that you can contribute to the Training team. Including development, content creation, editing and more. We have various open issues available for you to get started.

Content ready for review

Feedback awaiting validation

Topics awaiting vetting

  • See Vetting Topic Ideas for step-by-step guidance on vetting topic ideas.
  • We have 2 issues that require vetting

Validated feedback awaiting fix

As you can see both our validation and awaiting fixes have plenty of issues that need help. A great place to start

If you are interested in contributing in any of these areas, but you need help getting started, please feel free to ask questions here in the #training channel.

Contribution Acknowledgement

@kaitohm: @adamwood went through and triaged development issues in the Training Team’s GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. repository this week, clearing out anything that was no longer relevant after the site relaunch. Thanks so much, Adam:clap::skin-tone-3:

@west7: Props to @flickimp and @benjamin_zekavica for completing voiceovers for following lessons :raised_hands:
Imran: The technical side of picking the right font
Benjamin: Einführung in WordPress (Introduction to WordPress)

Project updates

Upcoming Online Workshops

Open Discussions

We don’t have anything at the moment.

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #training Slack channel at any time.

#meeting-recap, #training, #training-team

#learn-wordpress, #meeting-recap, #training, #training-team

Training Team Meeting Recap – 26th November 2024

Meeting Agenda:

SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at Log:

Attendees: @dapobabarinde @kaitohm @dilip2615 @noruzzaman @jagirbahesh @zeelthakkar @devmuhib @hardikgohil @psykro @digitalchild @ironnysh (async) @rfluethi (async) @sumitsingh (async) @chauhanraj754 (async) @rinkuiihglobal (async) @dparthj (async0 @west7 (async) @rithika3 (async) @nishitajoshi (async) @mebo (async) @pooja-n (async) @quitevisible (async)

Newcomers: @im3dabasia1 @rayhanuddin2020 @theumair07 @mrredflannel @ykbeili @rdhawladar @nithiyam @zeetechfairy @musabin @hardikgohil

Note taker: @dapobabarinde


Meeting Note Takers

Looking for feedback

We don’t have any new items looking for feedback this week

Looking for volunteers

  • Write a guest post on Do the Woo promoting Learn WordPress. @bobdunn-trainer invited the team to publish a guest post on Do the Woo to promote the new Learn WordPress website.  I think it might be great to have a couple of people work on this together. Who would like to volunteer?

Triage Squad Updates

No Triage squad Update this week

Other News

  • @sumitsingh and @kaitohm submitted issues to TracTrac Trac is the place where contributors create issues for bugs or feature requests much like GitHub. (coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress.) and GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. (GutenbergGutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc. for the Training Team Last week, @sumitsingh and I took the ideas from Brainstorm: Introducing Learning Pathways to users during onboarding and turned them into Trac/GitHub issues for developers to consider. Come follow these tickets as we aim to raise awareness of Learn WordPress in every WordPress install around the world 

Come and Contribute

We have various ways that you can contribute to the Training team. Including development, content creation, editing and more. We have various open issues available for you to get started.

Contribution Acknowledgement

This week, the Training Contributor badge was awarded to @22halomedia. Thank you for reviewing content for the team.

@psykro – I would like to give props to @agiljulio, @coquardcyr, @michelleblanchette and @erichmond for their continued commitment to working on the pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party developer learning pathway.

I would also like to give props to @lakshmananphp for doing such a great job facilitating the current course cohort.

@kaitohm – I want to give props to @digitalchild for noticing Project Thread: Content Maintenance Process Update Phase 1 has been stagnant for a while, and offering to continue that.

@lakshmananphp – Props to @psykro for the new lessons and co-hosting the cohort.

@west7 – Props to @quitevisible and @digitalchild for reviewing content.

Props to @kel-dc and @ervanyuffrizal for their fantastic work creating and publishing the Troubleshooting lesson!”

@devmuhib – I want to give props to @jagirbahesh and @zeelthakkar for helping me writing beginner contributor learning pathway.

Project updates

We have a few projects underway at the moment. I invite the leader of each project to share an update below.

Upcoming Online Workshops

We don’t have a lot of workshops scheduled for December, yet. Is anyone interested in facilitating any sessions?

Open discussions

@psykro – I’d like to share some (very recent) news

It looks like we’ve been given the go-ahead to have PolyLang installed on for translated content:

This conversation literally just happened today. I’ll be creating the PR to have the code merged this week. I’d therefore suggest that we start trailing this sometime next week, to iron out the process of translation

once I create the PR to have the plugin code merged, I’ll share it here so folks can follow along.

It will be great if we can enter 2025 with a defined process for creating and reviewing translated content.

@kaitohm –  I keep looking at all the ideas the team came up with in Drawing new learners to the new There are so many great ideas there!

There’s one idea: Connect with community colleges and schools that could benefit from incorporating Learn WordPress into their programs.

I’m curious, does anyone in the team already have connections with any schools in their local communities?

@psykro – I have two young boys currently at school, so theoretically I have a connection to at least 1 school in my community. However, what I don’t have are the tools for how to connect with these schools, and what is required from each of them, their school board, the educational bodies, to figure out how to find out about implementing Learn WordPress into their programs.

And schools are different in different parts of the world. So while I have an option, I have no idea how to get started.

@psykro – So I recently met with a friend who’s the program mananger for an online coding school: I feel like these are the types of places we need to be reaching, folks who are doing online learning, for high schoolers, folks who want a career change, army veterans etc.

@22halomedia – I’m an officer at a Metropolitan Community College programming club and will bring up in our next meeting the possibility of doing the curriculum as part of our club activities.

@quitevisible – We homeschool our 2 youngest girls (13/14). This year, I created a WP site using an LMS to run my lessons. I teach 2 of the classes (Chemistry/Language Arts), but also added a beginner WP class to run alongside the Language Arts/Writing class.

Each of my girls have their own self-hosted WP website where they are learning to design and post their work. I embed the Learn WP videos in my lessons. They’ve mentioned that the videos really help – @westnz  seems to be their fave so far. So the material is also introducing WP to the next generation.

#meeting-recap, #training, #training-team

Training Team Meeting Recap – 19th November 2024

Meeting Agenda:

SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at Log:

Attendees: @dapobabrinde @digitalchild @dilip2615 @im3dabasia1 @rithika3 @nishitajoshi @noruzzaman @lakshmananphp @devmuhib @rfluethi @sumitsingh @west7 @kaitohm (async) @zeelthakkar @jagirbahesh @ironnysh (async)

Newcomers: @_dorsvenabili @sainathpoojary @alexreintech914 @degordons 

Note taker: @dapobabarinde


Meeting Note Takers

  • Nov 19 – @Dapo
  • Nov 26 – @Dapo
  • Dec 2 – Looking for volunteer
  • Dec 9 – Looking for volunteer

Looking for feedback

We don’t have any new items looking for feedback this week. 

Looking for volunteers

We have no items looking for volunteers this week either.

Triage Squad Updates

It seems like there’s no update from the triaging team this week

Other News

There doesn’t appear to be any other news this week.

Come and Contribute

We have various ways that you can contribute to the Training team. Including development, content creation, editing and more. We have various open issues available for you to get started.

As you can see, we’ve got a number of open issues available. If you are interested in contributing in any of these areas, but you need help getting started, please feel free to ask questions here in the #training channel.

Contribution Acknowledgement

Props were not shared this week

Project updates

We have a few projects underway at the moment. I invite the leader of each project to share an update below.

Upcoming Online Workshops

Open discussions

@psykro – I wanted to congratulate @Joey Brinkman for completing the training guide program. Joey has already started by completing a bunch of reviews of existing content, and reporting bugs to be fixed.

#meeting-recap, #training-team

Contributor Spotlight: Jonathan Bossenger

Welcome to another edition of the Training Team’s Contributor Spotlight!
In this series, we introduce one of our many valued contributors and invite you to learn more about their journey.

Jonathan Bossenger, WordPress Contributor

Meet Jonathan!

This month’s featured contributor is Jonathan Bossenger from South Africa. As a developer educator sponsored by Automattic, he creates many super helpful videos on, ensuring everybody from various ranges of expertise can learn WordPress easily.

Join us as we chat with Jonathan about his experience in the WordPress community!


Hi Jonathan! Can you briefly introduce yourself and share a bit about your background?

Sure, so as you know, my name is Jonathan. I live in Cape Town, which is in South Africa, a country right at the tip of Africa. For most of my youth, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life until I found my way to programming/software development. 2024 marks my 20th year writing code.

Outside of WordPress–professionally or in your spare time–what do you usually like to do?

I’m a husband and father of two growing boys, aged 9 and 12, so much of my spare time involves family activities.

When I do have time to myself, I spend it either staying fit and moderately healthy at the gym or working through my Steam gaming backlog, which built up over the years when the boys were very little, and I had no free time 😀

One of my other interests is martial arts, and I’ve been actively involved in Brazilian jiu-jitsu for the better part of the last 17 years.

How did you first discover WordPress, and when did you decide to use it for your projects?

When I first started web development in 2009, I was teaching myself PHPPHP PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. from a book (you know, the way we learned before online learning was a thing!), and I wanted somewhere to document what I had learned. So I bought a domain and, after a Google search, installed Drupal on that domain. I went looking for alternative content management systems, and found WordPress.

Here’s the original blog post I published about the PHP script I wrote to migrate all my blog posts over to WordPress.

What motivated you to start contributing to the open-source project?

In 2015, I went to my first WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. in Cape Town. One of the talks, by Jenny Wong, was about how and why to contribute. This was something I’d been thinking about for a while, and so I was lucky to be able to chat with Jenny afterward, and she guided me further. After that WordCamp, I went home, found the Make WordPress site, and started looking for my first contributions.

Jonathan Bossenger with fellow WordPress contributors, including Birgit Pauli-Haack

I’m a volunteer by nature, and I’m a big believer that if I get something for free from an open-source project, I need to give something back. So, contributing to one of the Make teams made sense.

What drew you to the Training Team?

My journey to the Training team is a bit of a long story, so I’ll try to keep it short.

In 2020, when Learn WordPress launched in the format we know it today, I was learning to build WordPress blocks. One of my WordPress friends, Hugh Lashbrooke, was part of the team working on launching Learn WordPress with the newer tutorial videos (we called them workshops back then).

Hugh and I had spoken at a few local WordCamps together, so he knew that I liked presenting WordPress development topics. He asked me if I could create a developer tutorial, and so I did, on building your first block. I enjoyed creating that tutorial, but I never got another chance to create more.

About a year later, I moved to another company as a developer educator, creating online content for WordPress developers. However, that content was very specific to our WordPress products. I wanted to make more general WordPress development videos, so I joined the Training team channel, and the rest is history.

Jonathan Bossenger during Contributor Day in a WordCamp

What was your first contribution? How did you feel seeing your work reach so many people?

My first contribution was helping to copy pages from the Codex to the new user documentation pages that now exist at Documentation team’s website (also known as HelpHub). I’ll be honest: I never really thought about the impact, it was just very cool to be contributing in this way.

Could you share any challenges or obstacles you faced when starting to contribute to the open-source project and how you overcame them?

My biggest challenge when I first started contributing was finding information. I hope the folks in the Docs team didn’t find all my questions annoying, but if I’m lost, I ask questions.😊

Were there any specific resources that helped you along your journey as a contributor?

That’s also my biggest piece of advice to new contributors: if you’re stuck, or you’re not sure, ask. Someone will reach out and help. Each of the WordPress Make teams has a team repTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. or two, and they’re usually the right folks to reach out to.

Can you share any memorable moments or achievements while contributing to WordPress?

Jonathan Bossenger and fellow WordPress enthusiasts

There have certainly been a few.

Speaking at my first WordCamps, first in Cape Town and then in Johannesburg.

Getting to present a workshop at WCEU is also a pretty big highlight.

Oh, and recently someone shared with me that I have the highest number of contributions on videos, at 179.

What advice would you give to someone interested in contributing to WordPress?

I’ll share the same advice Jenny shared with me: Go to the Make WordPress website, read about all the different teams there, such as the Training team, and pick a few that interest you.Then join the Make WordPress’s Slack, and poke around in a few of those teams’ channels. Ask questions, and you’ll soon find the right place for you.


(In)Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the one thing you would like people to know about you?

While I love talking to people, I also need to recharge my batteries quite regularly. So, at large events, I often won’t stay in one conversation long. Please don’t think I’m being rude, it’s a defense mechanism.  

What’s your favorite WordPress feature (can also be a blockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. or pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party)?

I really like the Site Editor. I recently had the opportunity to use it to make some changes to a WordCamp site, and it’s come so far in such a short space of time.

Name three things you must pack for WordCamp.

Lip balm, headache tablets, power bank.

Thank you, Jonathan, for all your dedication and contributions to the Training Team and the WordPress Open-Source Project!

Are you interested in contributing to the Training Team?
Check out our Getting Started guide or join the Guide Program for mentorship with an experienced contributor. We’d be happy to have you join us!


Training Team Meeting Recap – 12th November 2024

Meeting Agenda:

SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at Log:

Attendees: @kaitohm, @sumitsingh, @rithika3, @digitalchild, @nishitajoshi, @devshakhawat, @yoga1103, @dapobabarinde, @freewebmentor, @noruzzaman, @zeelthakkar, @rahuldsarker, @devmuhib, @rinkuiihglobal, @quitevisible, @west7, @chauhanraj754, @cnormandigital, @dilip2615, @jagirbahesh

Newcomers: @abcd95, @atachibana, @amarii, @orestissam, @athsof, @rjekic

Note taker: @noruzzaman


Meeting Note Takers

Here is our current note taker roster:

Looking for feedback

  • We have no items looking for feedback this week

Looking for volunteers

  • We have no items looking for volunteers this week

Other News

  • 2025 Training Team Representatives have been decided 
    • Our team reps next year will be @Jamie Madden (continuing) @Jonathan (new) and @Muhibul Haque (new) :clap::skin-tone-3: You can read more about them and how they got involved with WordPress in this post: Meet your 2025 Training Team Representatives
    • Usually, the team will have a poll as part of the selection process. However this year, there were only 2 people who accepted their nomination. As we were looking for 2 reps, we skipped the poll and both candidates were vetted directly. So, we were able to choose the next reps about 3 weeks quicker than usual 

Come and Contribute

We have various ways that you can contribute to the Training team. Including development, content creation, editing and more. We have various open issues available for you to get started.

Content ready for review

Feedback awaiting validation

Topics awaiting vetting

  • See Vetting Topic Ideas for step-by-step guidance on vetting topic ideas.
  • We have 2 issues that require vetting

Validated feedback awaiting fix

As you can see we’ve got a number of open issues available. If you are interested in contributing in any of these areas, but you need help getting started, please feel free to ask questions here in the #training channel.

Project updates

Upcoming Online Workshops

The Learn WordPress Study Hours were popular last week! We had 10 people show up and many requested we have them regularly.

These are SUPER easy Online Workshops that require little preparation. If we could have a few facilitators rotate this every 2 weeks, they would make some great Online Workshop programming.

Open Discussions

  • @digitalchild: I have been thinking about this for a while. One thing that I think our content could be extended to is including real world use cases. For instance a course on how to setup a WooCommerce store. A lesson or online workshop on how to create a landing page or marketing site for your business .
  • @digitalchild: We already have the content on how to use WordPress and will have the marketing and SEO aspects covered so it would be good to take the next logical step
  • @digitalchild: I used to do a woocommerce start to finish 2 hour workshop once or twice a year at our local meetupMeetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on will help you find options in your area. before Covid
  • @west7: We do have a few practical lessons planned for the Designer learning pathway.
  • @lakshmananphp: Can we include Learn WordPress online meetups/workshops etc in this widgetWidget A WordPress Widget is a small block that performs a specific function. You can add these widgets in sidebars also known as widget-ready areas on your web page. WordPress widgets were originally created to provide a simple and easy-to-use way of giving design and structure control of the WordPress theme to the user.? Allowing the users to show/hide via screen options
  • @sumitsingh: I am thinking to some improvement list of strategies that can boost contributions for the WordPress Training Team and help the community worldwide:
    • Clear Onboarding Process: Step-by-step guidance for newcomers.
    • Highlighting the Impact: Showing how contributions benefit the global community.
    • Success Stories: Sharing experiences and growth of current contributors.
    • Interactive Contributor Events: Regular live sessions for real-time collaboration.( Which is doing)
    • Recognition and Rewards: Public acknowledgments to appreciate contributors.
    • Mentorship Programs: Pairing new contributors with experienced mentors.
    • Flexible Contribution Options: Tasks for various skill levels and time commitments.
    • Outreach on Social Media: Expanding awareness through social channels.
    • Cross-Team Collaboration: Partnering with other WordPress teams for shared projects.
    • Centralized Resource Hub: Accessible resources and FAQs for easy support.
    • These strategies create a welcoming and engaging environment, making it easier and more motivating for people to contribute and make an impact.
  • @kaitohm: What do other folks think?
    • I think we can encourage new contributors to share their own contributions on social media. Then, we could share their posts on our channels. Having them talk about their own experience will make it more impactful.
    • Also, some people might prefer we don’t share information about them. So, having the new contributor post first let’s them make the decision.
  • @digitalchild: This is a great list we definitely need to promote and encourage contributions and collaboration.
  • @sumitsingh: Did you know?
    • Most of our contributors give their time, skills, and passion completely free of cost – no sponsorships, just pure dedication to growing the community! To all of you selfless contributors: thank you for everything you do!
    • One simple way we can give back is by sharing and celebrating their contributions on social media. A quick post, a thank-you tweet, or a shout-out goes a long way. Let’s show our appreciation and make them feel valued – after all, seeing their names out there is a small gesture that brings big smiles!
    • Let’s keep our community strong and connected by lifting each other up.

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #training Slack channel at any time.


#training, #training-team

Training Team Meeting Recap – 5th November 2024

Meeting Agenda:

SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at Log:

Attendees: @dapobabrinde @jagirbahesh @rithika3 @digitalchild @nishitajoshi @zeelthakkar @chauhanraj754 @noruzzaman @onealtr @rahuldsarker @kaitohm @sumitsingh @devmuhib (async) @rinkuiihglobal @psykro @ecre8 @rfluethi @cnormandigital (async) @west7 (async) @quitevisible (async)

Newcomers: @ruthraventos @Collins Kiprono @takayukister @Shahzeb Ahmed

Note taker: @dapobabarinde


Meeting Note Takers

Looking for feedback

We will be repeating the items we listed in last week’s meeting as they are still open for feedback.

  • Handbook page regarding creating quizzes/activities @cnormandigital has drafted a handbook page about creating quizzes/activities for content on Learn WordPress and is looking for feedback. 
    • Please leave feedback directly in this GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. issue: Feedback – Creating Lesson Module Quizzes/Activities section of handbook #2946
  • Looking for thoughts about how to add Facilitator Notes to Learn
    • Designers and developers are discussing how best to implement Facilitator Notes to Learn WordPress. The team will be concluding discussions and moving to implementation soon.
    • Join the discussion directly in this GitHub issue:
  • Brainstorm: Introducing Learning Pathways to users during onboarding
  • Retiring the Subject Matter Expert (SME) role in favor of the GitHub Editors group (continuation to last week’s discussion)
    • The Training Team has tried using the SME role for two tasks: vetting content topics and assisting content creators. We’ve not seen SMEs vet content topics in a while. And we believe assisting content creators can be done in an editor capacity. To simplify team roles and remove friction, team reps recommend removing the SME role and relying on the GitHub Editors group instead.
    • What do folks think about this proposal?

If anyone has feedback on any of the above items, please feel free to leave them in the comments of the relevant blog post/GitHub issue or Slack thread.

Looking for volunteers

There are no specific projects looking for volunteers; however, if anyone has some time to help validate feedback issues, you can find more information on that here:

Triage Squad Updates

Issues triaged this week:

Other News

There doesn’t appear to be any other news this week.

Come and Contribute

There are various ways that you can contribute to the Training team. Including development, content creation, editing, and more. We have various open issues available for you to get started.

we’ve got a number of open issues available. If you are interested in contributing in any of these areas but need help getting started, please feel free to ask questions here in the #training channel.

Contribution Acknowledgement

@digitalchild, gave props to @psykro for running the triage squad solo last week while I was away.

@kaitohm, gave props to @psykro for running last week’s team meeting while both team reps were unavailable

@west7, gave props to @enkansah for completing the SEO: Part 1 lesson and also writing the script for Part 2.

@psykro, props to @michelleblanchette for her continued work on lesson content and for sharing regular progress updates, which are more valuable than gold.

Project Updates

Upcoming Online Workshops

We have a number of workshops this month, including the new format proposed by 


They’re open study sessions where folks will individually work through Learning Pathways on Learn, but at the same time. If you want to study along with other folks, this is a great opportunity to try something new.

We’re always looking for people to run new workshops. If you’re interested in running a workshop or co-hosting you can find more information in the Training team handbook – Online Workshops section.

Open discussions

@digitalchild, If you have topics you’d like discussed in the meeting, please leave them as a comment.

@psykro, I wanted to note that I’ve completed the testing of PolyLang for Learn content translations, and my recommendation is that we move forward with the code review

@kaitohm, I just wanted to update the team on Nomination for 2025 Training Team Reps.

Current team reps have reached out to all those nominated, and we’ve heard back from those who have accepted their nomination. We’ll be posting next-steps on the team blog this week

#meeting-recap, #training-team

Training Team Meeting Recap – 29th October 2024.

This meeting followed this meeting agenda in GitHub. You can see conversations from the meeting in this Slack Log. (If you don’t have a SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at account, you can set one up.)

Introductions and Welcome

There were 18 attendees @dapobabarinde, @devmuhib(async), @sumitsingh (async),@digitalchild(async), @sancastiza, @cnormandigital(async) ,@west7 (async), @psykro, @kaitohm (async), @chauhanraj754(async), @rahuldsarker, @noruzzaman, @lakshmananphp, @freewebmentor, @zeelthakkar(async), @quitevisible(async), @amitpatelmd (async), @voboghure(async).

Welcome, all the new contributors who joined the Training Team’s Slack channel in the last week: @devnuru, @upenwp12, @aiman2023, @mosescursor, @tuanit, @luisbrito.

For those who are new here, the WordPress Training Team helps people learn to use, extend, and contribute to WordPress through educational content hosted on

If you haven’t seen them yet, then I recommend checking out our onboarding program, and our Guide Program


Meeting Note Takers

Meeting recap notes are one of the best ways to get started contributing to a team, and you can find details on how to write notes in this handbook page.

Thanks for taking this week’s notes @sancastiza 🙌

Looking for feedback

  • We have a few items looking for feedback this week.
  • Handbook page regarding creating quizzes/activities.

@cnormandigital has drafted a handbook page about creating quizzes/activities for content on Learn WordPress and is looking for feedback. Thank you for drafting this page, Cynthia :manos_levantadas:

  • Please leave feedback directly in this GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. issue: Feedback – Creating Lesson Module Quizzes/Activities section of handbook #2946
  • Looking for thoughts about how to add Facilitator Notes to Learn.

Designers and developers are discussing how best to implement Facilitator Notes to Learn WordPress. The team will be concluding discussions and moving to implementation soon.

Join the discussion directly in this GitHub issue:

This post takes some of the ideas the team brainstormed in Drawing new learners to the new and is proposing concrete steps to getting them implemented.

Come leave your thoughts by November 8th.

  • Retiring the Subject Matter Expert (SME) role in favor of the GitHub Editors group

The Training Team has tried using the SME role for two tasks: vetting content topics and assisting content creators. We’ve not seen SMEs vet content topics in a while. And we believe assisting content creators can be done in an editor capacity.

To simplify team roles and remove friction, team reps recommend removing the SME role and relying on the GitHub Editors group instead.

Looking for volunteers

Triage Squad Updates

  • There was no triage squad last week. Join us this coming Thursday at 07:00 UTC in #meta-learn where we will triage any new PRs, dev issues and content awaiting validation issues.

Other News

  • There doesn’t appear to be any other news this week.

Come and Contribute

Find the rest of the ways you can contribute in this:

Content ready for review

Topics awaiting vetting

  • See Vetting Topic Ideas for step-by-step guidance on vetting topic ideas.
  • We have 2 issue that requires vetting.

Feedback awaiting validation 

Validated feedback awaiting fix

Contribution Acknowledgement

@meaganhanes was awarded the Training Team Contributor badge this week. Congratulations. 🎉

The team is recognizing and appreciating each other’s contributions. @psykro and @lakshmananphp are praised for co-hosting an online workshop. @west7 acknowledges the efforts of @kaitohm, @cnormandigital, @amitpatelmd, and @digitalchild in reviewing content. 

Project updates

@west7 reported that 5 of the 24 lessons (20.8%) have been finished.

The cohort sign up closed last week. Also during last week, the cohort documentation was updated.

This week @lakshmananphp and @psykro will start gathering all the sign ups, adding them to the #training-cohorts Slack group, and preparing for week 1.There were 42 sign ups, of which 39 had valid profiles and Slack accounts. We will be inviting all 39 participants, making this the largest cohort we’ve run so far.

Upcoming Online Workshops 

The last two are a new online workshop format.

 @kaitohm is hosting open study sessions. These are opportunities to work independently on your Learning Pathways, but in a group setting. It’s a great way to stay motivated and learn from others.

Faculty Updates

  • What have you been working on and how has it been going?
  • Anything you’ve accomplished since the last meeting?

@kaitohm said that nominations for 2025 Training Team reps had closed. He added that he and Jamie had reached out to all nominees to confirm their acceptance. He also mentioned that a poll would be ready by the following week’s meeting.

@west7 reported that they had run an online workshop and created a new lesson for the Beginner Designer Learning Pathway.

@psykro  stated that he had been reviewing contributor scripts for the PluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party Developer Learning Pathway, working on his own scripts, and checking in with contributors who had been inactive.

  • Do you have any blockers?
  • Can other Faculty or Training Team members help you in some way?

@kaitohm said that he would love for people to read through and comment on the brainstorm document about introducing Learning Pathways to users during onboarding. He added that this was an opportunity for the team to add Learn references to every WordPress installation and that he would love to hear people’s thoughts on these ideas.

Open Discussions

There were no further discussions in last week’s meeting.

If you have topics you’d like discussed in the meeting, please leave them as a comment on this issue.

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #training Slack channel at any time.

#meeting-recap, #training, #training-team