Code of Conduct Team Update, September 4, 2018

After a summer hiatus, the Code of Conduct team met today. We will resume our regular meetings every other Tuesday at 15:30 UTC in #community-team.

Over the winter, we sent out a survey about the Code of Conduct to the community. We have anonymized the results from the survey. We discussed what format we should use to release those results. The results will be posted here soon. We also discussed our big take-aways from the survey. The short version is: there is a lot of community support for the CoC, but we need to make sure that we implement it correctly. We will discuss the results more when we release them to the public. After that, we will put together another post describing our next steps based on the results of the survey.


Community code of conduct next meeting: 4th September 15:30 UTC

The #ccoc summer hiatus is over!

The next meeting will be on the 4th September at 15:30 UTC in the #community-team slackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel.

To kick off after the post WordcampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Europe break, I’ve started an agenda below. If you have anything to add to the agenda please comment on this post.


  • Results of the survey
  • Next steps



Community Code of Conduct Update for May 1, 2018

We had a short meeting on May 1. Jenny has begun the process of compiling all of the data from the survey so that we can anonymize it for public release, and so that we can process it for our own understanding. We haven’t gotten very far in this process yet because there is a lot of data to go through.


Code of Conduct Survey

The Community Code of Conduct project goal is to examine the potential of expanding the community team’s code of conduct for WordPress events, to include other spaces where WordPress contributors collaborate, including forums, websites, and official chat channels.

We have put together a short survey to help us assess what we need to be is where you come in! Please announce this survey to your meetupMeetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on will help you find options in your area. group, and share it as widely as you can within the WordPress community. The survey will be open until April 13, so please share it soon and don’t forget to take the survey yourself:


Code of Conduct Update – March 20, 2018

We met today to go over feedback on the Code of Conduct survey as the final stage before sending out the survey. Based on the feedback we received, and our discussion in SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at, we made the following changes:

  • Changed the introductory wording based on Andrea Middleton’s suggestions
  • In question #10, we added an option for “At work, when work involves contributing to the WordPress project.”
  • In question #10, we changed the question from “Which of the following do you consider to be places where a general Code of Conduct should be enforced by a member of the WordPress community?” to “Which of the following do you consider to be places where a general Code of Conduct should be enforced?” At this point, the survey is not dealing with questions of who should enforce the CoC, just questions about where it should apply.
  • Changed question #11 to “How much do you agree with the following statement: ‘The WordPress open sourceOpen Source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL. project should have one common Code of Conduct that governs the spaces selected in the previous question.'” The previous phrasing asked if the Code of Conduct should apply to official and unofficial spaces, which could lead users to provide an answer contradictory to their answer to #10.
  • Eliminated question #12, because it was redundant with question #10.
  • We spent a long time discussing the confusing formatting of question #17 (about gender identity).
  • We discussed changing the gender options in question #17, and decided to consult with some outside resources to find the best list of gender-identity options that will not alienate anyone.

At this point, the survey is basically ready to send out.


Code of Conduct survey needs your feedback



Code of Conduct update – Feb 20, 2018

Our meeting focused on wrapping up the last details of the Code of Conduct survey.

We wrote an introductory post for it here:

We also reviewed the draft survey one last time to make sure it is ready to go:

If anyone has any feedback about the survey or the introductory post, please leave a comment here. We will meet again on February 27 to respond to feedback, and plan to release the survey on March 6.

Action items:

  • Andrea needs to get an email address where people can report CoC violations
  • Jenny needs to put that email address in the survey
  • Before the survey goes out, the closing date needs to be updated


Code of Conduct Team Update

On January 23, the Code of Conduct team had our first meeting of the new year.

Update on project status

We have mostly finished the survey that we want to send to the community, but are still hung up on the conversation about whether to ask for demographic information.

Discussion of demographic data

Jenny provided a summary of all conversations about demographics here:

Our conclusions: if we are going to collect demographic data, we need to have a clear reason for doing so. In this case, we need to understand the characteristics of the people who answer the survey, and understand the reach of the survey within the WP community.

To understand who answered the survey, we agreed that it would be easy to collect gender information, but gathering information about race in an international survey is extremely complicated. So we will ask about gender and country. We are also asking where people found out about the survey.

The survey answers will be anonymized. The CoC team (Morten Rand-Hendriksen, Jenny Wong, Morgan Kay, Andrea Middleton) will make sure that all identifying data is removed, and then the survey results will be released to the public.

Action Items

  • Draft a canonical post that describes the goal of the CoC initiative and contextualizes this survey, including information on who will have access to the survey.
  • Provide an email address within the survey in case people want to report an incident.
  • Review the survey to make sure it is ready to send out


2018 first #ccoc project meeting

After WCUS and the festive holidays of Decemeber, we’re going to get back on our #CCOC meetings at 23rd January 2018 16:30 UTC, in the #community-team slackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel.

The agenda will include:

  • An update on the project situation
  • Review of all discussions of collection demographic data
  • Outline a road map to getting the survey shipped.

CCOC project meeting notes – 17th & 31st October

17th October Notes:

A quick catch up on the meeting that happened on the 17th October

@mor10 and @morgankay were in attendance and shared the survey they have been working on.

They had it sent to an 3rd party survey expert to get feedback on the language and questions used in the survey.

31st October Meeting Notes:

The group met in the #community-team Slack.

Thanks to the people who participated: @sippis, @andreamiddleton, @morgankay, @mor10

The research CoC has a few more entries. The problem has been finding public articles about CoC situations that have been enforced and also articles against a CoC.

The CCoC survey has been reviewed by the survey expert and comments have been actioned.

The survey is now ready for review. The new questions are found under the Questions – Proposed headerHeader The header of your site is typically the first thing people will experience. The masthead or header art located across the top of your page is part of the look and feel of your website. It can influence a visitor’s opinion about your content and you/ your organization’s brand. It may also look different on different screen sizes.. Reasoning and discussion are found in the Questions – Draft header.

Please add comments to the survey document with anything you want to raise relating to the questions of the comments.

Next actions for the survey:

  • Put survey questions into a survey collection method.
  • Roll out the survey.
  • Publicise the survey.
  • Set a hard limit on return date

There was a discussion on how to push the survey. The discussion included a debate on how much pushing did we want to do for the survey and the balance between getting large dataset and not having a skewed dataset based on one portion of the community.

The idea came to do two things:

  1. Email all meet up group organisers with information about the survey and ask them to share it with their meet up groups.
  2. Post on all Make P2s.

Some concerns include ensuring that there is clear communication about the intent of the project and the survey.

There was an idea to bundle some other Community related information in the same blast-out or if it was important to to have the message exclusively CoC-related. It would be good to know what potential information the bundle would include before making a decision.

There was also a lively debate over whether we should ask about any demographics of the survey responders.

Polldaddy records location and IP address by default. in the past the Community team has received a lot of pushback about asking demographic info in surveys. The outcome is that @mor10 is going to ask the survey expert how they do it to ensure it is far.

There was the question of whether we need the demographic information, because we shouldn’t be asking for information we don’t need. The thought behind the demographic data is that if marginalized people say we need a code of conduct and non-marginalized people don’t, then we need a code of conduct.

Group’s TODO:

Next Meeting:

Next meeting is on 14th November 2017 at 15:00UTC
