17th October Notes:
A quick catch up on the meeting that happened on the 17th October
@mor10 and @morgankay were in attendance and shared the survey they have been working on.
They had it sent to an 3rd party survey expert to get feedback on the language and questions used in the survey.
31st October Meeting Notes:
The group met in the #community-team Slack.
Thanks to the people who participated: @sippis, @andreamiddleton, @morgankay, @mor10
The research CoC has a few more entries. The problem has been finding public articles about CoC situations that have been enforced and also articles against a CoC.
The CCoC survey has been reviewed by the survey expert and comments have been actioned.
The survey is now ready for review. The new questions are found under the Questions – Proposed headerHeader The header of your site is typically the first thing people will experience. The masthead or header art located across the top of your page is part of the look and feel of your website. It can influence a visitor’s opinion about your content and you/ your organization’s brand. It may also look different on different screen sizes.. Reasoning and discussion are found in the Questions – Draft header.
Please add comments to the survey document with anything you want to raise relating to the questions of the comments.
Next actions for the survey:
- Put survey questions into a survey collection method.
- Roll out the survey.
- Publicise the survey.
- Set a hard limit on return date
There was a discussion on how to push the survey. The discussion included a debate on how much pushing did we want to do for the survey and the balance between getting large dataset and not having a skewed dataset based on one portion of the community.
The idea came to do two things:
- Email all meet up group organisers with information about the survey and ask them to share it with their meet up groups.
- Post on all Make P2s.
Some concerns include ensuring that there is clear communication about the intent of the project and the survey.
There was an idea to bundle some other Community related information in the same blast-out or if it was important to to have the message exclusively CoC-related. It would be good to know what potential information the bundle would include before making a decision.
There was also a lively debate over whether we should ask about any demographics of the survey responders.
Polldaddy records location and IP address by default. in the past the Community team has received a lot of pushback about asking demographic info in surveys. The outcome is that @mor10 is going to ask the survey expert how they do it to ensure it is far.
There was the question of whether we need the demographic information, because we shouldn’t be asking for information we don’t need. The thought behind the demographic data is that if marginalized people say we need a code of conduct and non-marginalized people don’t, then we need a code of conduct.
Group’s TODO:
- Write the accompanying survey email copy – there is a section in the CCOC Survey Document
- Review CCoC survey
- Get Survey Expert input on demographic questions
Next Meeting:
Next meeting is on 14th November 2017 at 15:00UTC