Plugin Submissions ETA Reopening Early Next Week

really want to say “We’ll reopen on Monday!” but right now we’re aiming for Monday.

What’s going on?

We found some bugs that didn’t happen in testing.

For example, when we did the final import of all the pending plugins, they were in a maybe-wrong state. That meant we had to go through all our emails and logs to make sure we’d emailed everyone about their pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party status or not. That took us until Friday afternoon.

At the same time, we found some process flow bugs that were just going to make things worse all around and had to address those. It doesn’t do you any good to submit a plugin if we can’t review it, or if approvals don’t generate your SVNSVN Short for "SubVersioN", it's the code management system used to maintain the plugins hosted on It's similar to git. folder, for example! We had to document all of those to make sure things would get fixed in the right order (some of them we can live with, obviously).

The good news is that we did clean out the queue, so everyone who had a submission pending has now been emailed. Some of you twice. Sorry about that. If you didn’t get one and you think your plugin is pending, email us at and we can look.

Thank You Systems/MetaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress.

Systems and Meta have been wonderful, plowing through the tickets raised. Right now, we’re prioritizing “Fix what’s broken” so the only tickets you see in the Plugin Directory v 3.0 milestone are items we feel must be fixed as soon as possible. If I’ve moved your ticket out, it’s simply because it’s not deemed mission critical at this moment, and not that it will never be addressed. It’s triage, and we were just as brutal about it on ourselves.

Thank You Too

I really do appreciate everyones patience and understanding.

Obviously things didn’t go perfectly, but considering the magnitude of this change, it’s gone smoother than I predicted (I may owe people dinner now). If you want to help us out, right now please spread the word to your fellow developers. Remember, if you can get everyone to read this blog first before they email/dm/pingPing The act of sending a very small amount of data to an end point. Ping is used in computer science to illicit a response from a target server to test it’s connection. Ping is also a term used by Slack users to @ someone or send them a direct message (DM). Users might say something along the lines of “Ping me when the meeting starts.” for status, you make reviews go faster!

#directory, #repository

Plugin Directory Revamp Meeting Today

Plugin Directory Chat Agenda

This is _not_ a meeting about the pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party review process or guidelines. This is only about the revamp.

#directory, #reminder, #repository

Status on the Plugin Repo Revamp, Guidelines, and Handbooks

First off, please read Obenland’s post on the repo:

Plugin Directory v3: Next Steps

Obviously we have a long way to go.

As for the Guidelines, I wanted to be done and ready to release them to everyone before 4.6 dropped, but I’ve been using small focus groups at WordCamps first. This resulted in a lot of small changes that I want to take the time to go over with the PluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party Team before I unleash it to the world for nitpicking. A huge amount of thanks goes to @courtneydawn @logankipp and @lunacodes for being my first run of editors!

As we clean up the aftermath of the 4.6 emails (you have no idea…), I’ll be pinging people whom I know to be good copyeditors and have mentioned wanting to help before. If you think that’s you, please leave a comment here. I won’t be asking everyone as I’ve found that to be overwhelming for me to be able to process, so please don’t take it personally. Once I have it mostly good, I’ll flip it from Google Docs to a GitGit Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Git is easy to learn and has a tiny footprint with lightning fast performance. Most modern plugin and theme development is being done with this version control system. Repo and people can pull request!

Also a handbook! Oh me oh my I’ve been writing one! And I’m almost ready to ask Sam to flip the switch for it. It’s sparse and will need lots of attention too.

Thank you everyone for understanding the crazy that goes on with all this, and for being patient. It’s been a long 7 months for me working on all this.

#directory, #guidelines, #repository

New Repo Open Beta

Please review the proposed new repository and leave some comments so Obenland can make all more awesome.

Plugin Directory v3 Open Beta


#directory, #repository

Repository Guideline Reminder: Do Not Remote Load Content

In a very irregular feature, we’re posting about various plugin guidelines and what they really mean to you.

This week, we want to remind you about a long-standing guideline in the repository, which is covered in item #7 – Don’t phone homePhone home A plugin that “phones home” sends back tracking information to the plugin developer once it’s installed on a site. This may include IP addresses, usernames, or other data. without consent.

No “phoning home” without user’s informed consent. This seemingly simple rule actually covers several different aspects:

The guideline goes on to break down what we mean in four main points:

  1. No unauthorized collection of user data
  2. All images and scripts shown should be part of the pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party
  3. No 3rd party ad tracking
  4. No ad-spam

That second item (which I emphasized) is what we want to remind you of today.

Your images, your scripts, your CSSCSS CSS is an acronym for cascading style sheets. This is what controls the design or look and feel of a site., etc, should all be included locally. Besides not tracking users, keeping everything locally will make your plugins faster. It obviates the problem of external load. It means when your server is down for maintenance, you didn’t just slow down everyone’s wp-admin. It means you’ll never DDoSDistributed Denial of Service A type of online attack where a large number of infected computers are used to overwhelm a target computer, to the point where it no longer has the resources to perform its normal job. Read more. yourself on accident.

Unless you’re a service, your plugin has no business phoning home to your own servers to load data. If you are a service, you must have this clear in your readme as to what the service entails, preferably with a link to your ToS and and explanation as to what is tracked. This is for your protection. By remote loading files, you have the ability to track users. Data tracking is a huge deal, and while we understand you want to do it for metrics, it someone was taking your data without permission or consent and selling it or using it to promote their code, you’d be pretty ticked off.

You can (and should) re-read all the guidelines on – we rarely change them though we may reword things for clarity.

If you have suggestions as to how we can be more clear about #7, please leave a comment and let us know.

Keep in mind, we’re not going to spell out everything to the letter, as in our experience that leads to people playing nit-picky fake-lawyers about everything, and still violating the ultimate rule of the guidelines which is ‘Don’t be a spammer.’ For example, we’re not going to make a rule for not stealing other people’s plugins. You already know stealing is bad, right? 😈

#guidelines, #reminder, #repository

WCEU Contributor Day

I want to thank everyone for coming to the first ever pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party review contributor workshop!

We did not get half as much covered as I’d like to but I hope that we were able to enlighten some of you as to how the repository and review system works.

I’m looking forward to the near future when we’ll be able to start adding some of the wonderful people who came to contributor dayContributor Day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus. to the review team! Since that’s still a bit in the future, what we can do right now is welcome everyone to #pluginreview !

SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at

That’s right, we have #pluginreview as a channel now. This channel is for us (yes, you and us) to talk about plugins, finding issues like base64 and creative commons code. At this time, in order not to put users at risk, please continue to send security issues to only.

I plan on posting some plugins for you to download and look at and discuss, as well as possibly have open hours or a scheduled time every once in a while to talk about reviewing a plugin as a group.

Also if you have a question about the plugin repository in general, please feel free to ask there. Please remember to be reasonable, though, and try not to ask “When will my plugin be reviewed?” 😁

Getting Started

In the mean time, what can you do to get started?

First, read the guidelines. Read all the guidelines. Memorize them. Be familiar with things like phoning home, and the difference between a serviceware APIAPI An API or Application Programming Interface is a software intermediary that allows programs to interact with each other and share data in limited, clearly defined ways. and a license check that cripples software needlessly. Don’t worry too much about that, but do get familiar with the guidelines.

Next! Grab the Mark Jaquith Plugin Directory Slurper. The repo is about 25 gigs, more or less, and will take you a few hours to download. By a few what I mean is set your laptop not to sleep, put it in a cool room with a fan, and go to bed. The Slurper doesn’t work well on Windows that I know of (sorry Windows people). Anyone who wants to improve that, pull requests and forks are welcome.

Now once you have the whole repo, start poking at things. Look for code you know is not allowed in the repository (non-GPLGPL GPL is an acronym for GNU Public License. It is the standard license WordPress uses for Open Source licensing The GPL is a ‘copyleft’ license This means that derivative work can only be distributed under the same license terms. This is in distinction to permissive free software licenses, of which the BSD license and the MIT License are widely used examples. is a great start, pick a popular library you know isn’t GPL and grep or ack for it).

Talk about what you find in the Slack channel. Remember: Slack is public. Do not post anything rude, insulting, antagonistic, or mean there. Also don’t post security issues there. Please keep that to email.

Finally, if you’re really super into code ideas, download the (broken) Plugin Check plugin! Have a look at it. Try to figure out how you’d make it work, and maybe fork it onto GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. and start tinkering. Start with the basics (check for non GPL, calling wp-load directly, including jquery etc) and see how far you can get. More hands make light work, after all.

When Will We Accept New Members?

Soon! I’m sorry, but I just don’t have an ETA.

We need the UXUX UX is an acronym for User Experience - the way the user uses the UI. Think ‘what they are doing’ and less about how they do it. for the repository revamp to be usable and acceptable first. Until then, we’re on that lousy, single-threaded, bbPressbbPress Free, open source software built on top of WordPress for easily creating forums on sites. setup. Once that changes, the plan is to start letting people apply (and yes, we will post requirements for that) and adding them with access to review privately. Think of it as moderated reviews. But trust me here, we can see the end and we have a plan.

We’re like Cylons.


Please do not submit frameworks

Note: We are aware that some frameworks are current in the repository. We are asking you not submit any NEW at this time.

This isn’t a new ‘rule.’ It’s not a secret one either. It’s not listed in the guidelines specifically because any attempt to lay down each and every reason a pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party shouldn’t be in the repository just ends in people rule-lawyering. Should we have to tell people “Don’t ask users to write to your plugin files”? No. That should be self-evident. A plugin gets replaced when it’s upgraded, so writing to plugin files means the changes get destroyed. And in many ways, that’s our problem here.

The issue is as follows: Having a framework as a plugin is a poor experience for the user. Not the developer. The user. The user understands “I have an add-on for WooCommerce, I probably need Woo.” They do not always understand “I have plugin Slider Joe. Why do I need Advanced Custom Fields?” In addition, by having a library as a plugin, the onus of version compatibility is now on the person least likely to understand it: the user.

The plugin repository is not, currently, a library or framework repository. It’s not meant like the NPM package manager, or even Composer as a way to define what a plugin ‘needs’ in the same ways for a developer to build a project. The plugin repository is, plain and simple, meant for plugins that users will find useful. Plugins that add functionality to WordPress in a directly inter-actable way.

We don’t allow people to add javascriptJavaScript JavaScript or JS is an object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers. WordPress makes extensive use of JS for a better user experience. While PHP is executed on the server, JS executes within a user’s browser. or fonts on their own to the repository and, I suspect, most of you would nod and say “Well of course not. A font and javascript should be included in the plugin or theme!” We feel the same way about most full blown library and framework plugins too. The user doesn’t need to know or care about the libraries. They shouldn’t be expected to be responsible for it.

At this time, we are not accepting frameworks as we don’t feel frameworks, boilerplates, and libraries are appropriate for the Plugins Directory. We require that plugins be useful in and of themselves (even if only being a portal to an external service). And while there are many benefits to frameworks and libraries, without plugin dependency support in coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. or the directory, it becomes another level of hassle for users.

The parade of likely support issues:

  • Not recognizing the framework plugin, and thus deleting it (causing the plugin(s) to break)
  • Not recognizing the framework plugin and thinking they’ve been hacked
  • Debugging drama, when we tell them to disable all their plugins and they find its a library problem
  • Updating the framework plugin separately from the dependent plugins, possibly leading to breakage
  • Updating a dependent plugin without updating the framework, possibly leading to breakage
  • Plugins not keeping up with library changes to the point that they break
  • Different plugins requiring different versions of the framework

And bearing in mind that the framework and plugin developers are different people, that’s another level of coordination/compatibility issues. A developer is (in theory) clever enough to write their plugin in a way that it includes the version of the library they need in a way that will not break everyone else. Of course, you developers know that’s a goal and not an absolute.

Frameworks and libraries should be packaged with each plugin (hopefully in a way that doesn’t conflict with other plugins using the framework or libraries). At least until core supports plugin dependencies.

Making this messier is the fact that once a library is in the repository, you shouldn’t put it in your plugin anymore. Why not? Well what happens if they install a library as a plugin, while having the library inside a plugin already? Which one takes precedent? What happens when they’re out of sync and so on? See the goal up above that isn’t an absolute. It gets even messier.

A library is a library, and should be in the plugin, not separate.

Maybe one day we’ll have proper plugin dependencies, but we simply are not there yet.

#directory, #reminder, #repository

There’s a Revamp Coming

We’re overhauling and upgrading the repo. Interested? You can harass @obenland and team about it:

Plugin Directory v3

See you there

#notice, #repository

2015 Community Summit And How You Can Help the Plugin Team

Sadly, many of the same reasons we could not add new members to the PluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party Team last year are still an issue (see 2014 Community Summit Wrapup). The codebase has been improved, but the process is slow. Just to give you some hope, the work done on the Theme Repo is being used to help us. So. Soon. Soon. We’re restructuring the backend to make it more clear as to who can do what, but most things are waiting on the re-vamp.

The only real ‘news’ is that we’ve been sneakily moving our documentation over to – Please check it out to keep up with all the information about what makes good plugins in the repo. Oh, and we’ve swapped reps. I’ll be taking over as the plugin team repTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. and that really changes… nothing at all. @boone did a great job and I thank him for it.

You Can Help

While we are still stuck on the old system, you can jump in and help us by emailing The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. when you find people playing fast and loose with the rules.

We encourage and welcome updates from everyone, but please don’t be snippy. Be serious. If someone has powered by links, or is phoning home, yes, please let us know. But don’t let your personal feelings get in the way. This is a big deal. A lot of people send us reports from a place of anger. Don’t be that person. That person makes it harder for us to figure out if someone has a personal vendetta against a plugin and/or developer, or a legit concern. We’re all passionate, but remember to channel that passion into something beneficial.

How to Report Issues

If you’ve found a plugin _doing_it_wrong(), email and remember:

  1. Make your subject clear. (“XSS Vulnerability in Hello Derpy” or “Derpack Developer swearing at users in forums” are good)
  2. Always provide an exact link to the plugin.
  3. Report plugins with guideline violations.
  4. Report developers who are behaving badly.
  5. Be detailed. If you know what file and line of code is the problem, tell us.
  6. Provide examples of vulnerabilities. If you already know what’s hackable, show us. It makes it faster for us to verify and reproduce. Link to forum threads etc etc.

Remember: We don’t retroactively enforce guideline changes unless there is a legal, copyright, or security related reason. For example, we no longer allow new plugins to call wp-load.php directly, however we don’t hunt around for plugins that do so. If a plugin is closed for using a non-GPLGPL GPL is an acronym for GNU Public License. It is the standard license WordPress uses for Open Source licensing The GPL is a ‘copyleft’ license This means that derivative work can only be distributed under the same license terms. This is in distinction to permissive free software licenses, of which the BSD license and the MIT License are widely used examples. library and, in the review, we note other best-practices violations, we will require them all to be fixed before reopening.

Also, we won’t be following up with you as to what happened most of the time. We’d love to. We can’t and keep up with emails. Please don’t take it personally. As we add more people to the team we may be able to change that, but right now it takes us away from validating security issues.



Rami asked “What do you guys even use to check plugins and look for bad things?” and the real answer is “Our eyes.” We don’t have a theme-check type plugin because there are very few ‘standard’ things to look for (possibly it could check for license issues, including jquery files, and calling wp-load directly sort of things).

Remember: Thou Art Mortal

And so are we.

We’re people too. We make mistakes. We miss things. We have bad days. We get sick. We have families. If we don’t reply to you super fast, please sit on your hands and give us five days. Five. You should get some sort of reply from us within five, even if it’s ‘we’re still talking about this, sorry but it’ll take a while.’ Sending us an enough every 12 hours (yes, someone did that) is annoying.

Hunting us down on Twitter and SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at because we didn’t reply right away is similarly uncool and harassing. We use the email so that everyone on the team can read the conversations. Don’t take it off-line. Keep it in the email and that way, if you’re talking to Otto and he goes to a BBQ fest for two weeks days without access, Pippin can pick up the conversation and help you out.

Just be patient and calm. Especially if we’ve just closed your plugin. We know that sucks, and we totally get you’re angry sometimes. Just try to remember we’re all humans and treat us with respect like fellow humans.

Grumpy Otto (is there another kind?) looking at the camera.

Take the plugin. Leave the cannoli.

#guidelines, #repository, #team-reps

Reminder: Your Email Account Must Be Valid

Since the only way we have to get in touch with pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party authors is their emails, we’re going to be enforcing that you have a valid email that goes to a human being for you plugins.

This simple statement covers a multitude of situations but to clarify, we’re talking about the email associated with the user accounts that have commit access to your plugins.

Go to and look at the people listed under Committers. Those accounts are who we email when there’s an issue with a plugin, or when we’re alerting you to new WordPress updates. Those emails must go to real human beings. It can be a shared email box (goodness knows plugins is a shared email box) but real people have to read those emails because without that, we cannot communicate with you.

We strongly suggest you whitelist

The following email situations may result in your plugin being closed if we can’t find a way to communicate with you:

Invalid Emails

If your email bounces, your plugin gets closed. We can only assume that a dead email means you’re done with things, and since we have no way to contact you, your plugin can only be considered unsupportable. If you notice your plugin is closed and you didn’t get an email from us, check your account’s email. If that’s not right, that’s probably why.


If your email has an auto-reply, such as the sort that goes to a support ticket generator, stop it. This makes it nigh impossible for us to communicate with you, we can never tell if a human has read the email, and we get a mail box filled with auto-replies which means you’re the reason plugin reviews are backlogged. We will normally email you one sternly worded warning about this. If it keeps up, your plugin may be closed.

2-Step Verification

If your email auto-replies and asks people to click or reply in a special way to ensure our email gets to you, guess what? Half the time that doesn’t work. We often get expired tokens because it takes us more than 24 hours to get through all the emails in our queue, and once that happens we have no way to get our email to you.

Deceased Authors

This is a touchy subject so I apologize in advance. If a plugin author has died and we can verify this, we remove their account’s access to their plugins (and usually reset their passwords to something random). This is in the interest of security, as doing so will prevent any possible issues if their account is hacked. We do not close the plugins. If there are co-committers, they will be notified. Otherwise the plugin will simply remain in place. Taking over those plugins is a similarly touchy subject, and priority will be given to their coworkers or close friends/family who are also WordPress developers.

#email, #reminder, #repository, #security