The toolbar is not a consistent experience in a number of ways, including behavior on touch vs. pointer and its content as you flip between the front end and adminadmin (and super admin) contexts. The goal would be to create that consistent experience with the best possible behavior on various devices so that users can use it to its best effect.

Current status

User research and flow definition: We need to define what exactly it is the toolbar is for in the first place. How do different users currently use it for different flows? When and how does it get in their way?

Problem documentation: What are these inconsistencies and other problems? Examples: hover to open dropdown on certain screen widths vs. touch on smaller ones; menus that overflow the height of the window have items that are not always accessible.

Short term: Also show the admin menu as a toolbar dropdown on the front end along with some slight design tweaks, per the mockups below.

Unified admin menu toolbar concept



