Theme Developer Handbook Status Report

A lot of activity has been happening in the THB lately. We’re migrating away from the spreadsheet which is pretty unapproachable and overwhelming to contributors and utilized Trello to help us finish the THB. We’ve got about 70% of the spreadsheet migrated.

In the navigation above under “Handbooks” you’ll notice that the spreadsheet has been deprecated and there is a new menu item called “Contribute to the Theme Developer Handbook.” This item will take you to the trelloTrello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the team uses for example: board.

Now that we have our new system in place, we’re in need of contributors! If you know of anyone that is interested in helping out please point them to the trello board. There are instructions on how to gain access to the appropriate sites and a step by step guide on how to contribute.

We are putting the tutorial side of the THB on hold until v 1.0 ships. All tutorial sections are housed on this page until we can reintegrate it with the THB. This setup will allow us to create a consistent and full step by step guide. Additionally, any usable material that is getting cut out of the THB is going onto this page in case we need it in the future.

We also are doing weekly google hangout meetings on Wednesdays from 12-2pm PDT to offer any training on trello, questions on contributing, and setting aside a time to actually work on the THB. Feel free to join us!

There is also a meetup in the Seattle area and one in South Sound which you can checkout.

In a nutshell:

Please please contribute! 🙂 Also, we welcome any feedback on the contributing process. Please reach out to @lizkaraffa or @sewmyheadon over slackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at with your comments/suggestions/pain points/etc. Thanks!

#meetup, #thb, #theme-developer-handbook, #trello, #wordpress

WCSF Team Meetup Goals/Agenda

The following is the final list of goals for our team meetupMeetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on will help you find options in your area. after WCSF, and the agenda for the two day meetup:

1. Goals


  • Work on completing unfinished sections.
  • Review existing content for accuracy/proper voice; make necessary edits.
  • Review code snippets to ensure they’re correct.
  • Fix all Codex links to point to proper handbook or code reference page.
  • Fix any function/hook/class references to be the right format and linked to the code reference.
  • Ensure screenshots are on devhub instead of make/docs.
  • Take handbooks public.

Support Hub:

2. Agenda


10:00 – Welcome and discussion of goals
10:15 – Assign work
10:30 – Work
13:00 – Lunch
14:00 – Back to work
16:00 – Discussion with support team
18:00 – Finish work for the day


10:00 – Work
13:00 – Lunch
14:00 – Work
17:00 – Finish work, review what goals were met
18:00 – Close out team meetup

#meetup, #wcsf

New Monthly Contributor Meetup

There’s a new WordPress MeetupMeetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on will help you find options in your area. in Washington: the South Sound WordPress Meetup.

Our first full meetup is tomorrow, Wednesday, October 15th at 6:30pm and you can find details at

Contributor Meetups

The SoSo WP Meetup is organizing monthly WordPress Contributor Meetups, where folks can get together to help with WordPress documentation, support, coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. code, internationalization, and lots more.

We’ve been holding monthly Documentation Sprints at the WordPress Seattle Meetup for over a year and wanted to kick off our SoSo WP Meetup doing the same.  Now there are two monthly weekend meetups you can join from anywhere to contribute to WordPress.

We need all experience levels – this isn’t just for coders. We need writers, screenshot-takers, editors, and of course, developers.  If you show up, we’ll find a way you can help.


What if you’re not in the Seattle/Tacoma area?

We use the The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. IRC chat #wordpress-sfd for chatter while we’re at the meetup, so if you’re in another state, country, or planet, you should be able to participate as long as you’ve got a good internet connection.

How long are the Contributor Meetups?

We’ve found that 3 to 4 hours on a Saturday is just about all the average contributor can handle and be productive.

Our first Contributor Meetup will be from 10am to 1pm, but we may adjust these times in the future.

How do I join you?

  1. Head on over to and join the South Sound WordPress Meetup.
  2. Then, RSVP for any meetups that interest you and ask any questions you have.
  3. Show up in person or on IRC at #wordpress-sfd.
  4. We’ll help you get started.

Easy peasy.  Hope to see you there.


Team Meetup at WCSF (More)

Hi again! We’re working on making sure we have enough room blocks to make sure all the contributors who are coming in October can get a decent rate (or have a room provided by us if needed). Some of you replied to my post from last week and filled in the survey so I’d know you were planning to come, but some haven’t. Additionally, some people did the survey and marked themselves as team members of teams they’re not actually involved with, so I need your help! 🙂

I just want to make sure we count everyone so we can try to put you at the same hotel to make the meetupMeetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on will help you find options in your area. part easier (though I know most people on this team are also heavily involved in other teams, so we’ll figure that once we have a solid tally of who’s planning to come at all).

If you didn’t read the post before, the plan for the event is:
Sat/Sun — WCSF conference
Monday — community summit
Tues/Wed — team meetups (team being together to talk issues, make plans, work together, etc)

The people who identified themselves as active members of the docs team in the survey are: @jerrysarcastic, @drewapicture, @trishasalas, @topher1kenobe, @hanni, @kpdesign, @nicolealleyinteractivecom, @davidjlaietta, @jazzs3quence, @sewmyheadon, @siobhan, @otto42 (all authors on this team blog), as well as:
Cousett Hoover, Benjamin Hansen, John Blackbourn, Ed Caissie, and Russell Fair.

Is this an accurate list? @kpdesign, can you let me know if these folks are all active with the docs team, and also tell me if there’s anyone missing that you think should be there from the team? Comment here, email me, hit me in irc, whatever’s easiest.

Any docs folks not listed above who are active on the team and want to come to the team meetup should fill out the survey so I can have you on the list as we start deciding which hotels to put each team in. We’ll be spread out among 4 or 5 hotels, so I want to be sure we can keep the teams together.

And just a reminder that we have a travel assistance program this year to help contributors who don’t work for a wp-based company and can’t cover travel costs on their own. Apply for travel assistance by June 30 Applications for travel assistance are now closed. If you need help, contact @jenmylo.


#meetup, #wcsf2014

WCSF Details and a Request

Heads up, docs team! We’re getting ready to publish details about the plans for WordCamp San Francisco this October (which includes a mini team meetup), so if you’re thinking of attending, please read the post at and take the short survey linked at the end of it so I’ll know how many team members to plan for (don’t worry, this isn’t a commitment or anything, I just need to get some rough numbers for budgeting purposes). Thanks!

#meetup, #wcsf, #wcsf2014

Virtual WordPress Documentation Sprints

We now have two monthly WordPress Documentation Sprints that everyone in the community can take part in.

Documentation Sprint Dates


In person: If you’re in the Seattle area, you can join us and nerd out on docs in public at a local coffee shop. Check the meetup site or dates listed above for location details.

Online: If you’re bashful, or simply outside of the Seattle area, you can simply logon to the IRC channel at #wordpress-sfd and participate from anywhere.  A few of these dates are currently virtual-only.

How You Can Participate

What We’re Working On

We’re working hard to make progress on both the Theme Developer Handbook and Plugin Developer Handbook, but there are other projects that can also use help.

If you’d like to help out with writing or editing the Handbooks, please review the following resources first:

  • WordPress Style Guide – easy guide to help you to create very usable, consistent documentation.
  • Handbook Tutorial Template – a starter template with typical sections in a good tutorial document.
  • Tutorial Example – Where possible (and relevant) please write things as a tutorial, as opposed to just explanation. This Child Themes page is a good example because it opens by explaining child themes and then gives a tutorial about how to create one. This helps users understand and gives them practical steps to follow.

It’s Not Just Writing

So what if you don’t like writing? We need plenty of help with other things like:

  • Copy editing
  • Screenshots
  • Code examples

You volunteer the time and we’ll find something you can do to help.

Getting Started

Once you show up, or login to IRC, pingPing The act of sending a very small amount of data to an end point. Ping is used in computer science to illicit a response from a target server to test it’s connection. Ping is also a term used by Slack users to @ someone or send them a direct message (DM). Users might say something along the lines of “Ping me when the meeting starts.” @sewmyheadon (Eric Amundson), @awoods (Andrew Woods), or another member of the Docs Team if you need something to work on, help getting started, need document reviews, or have any questions.

We’ll have an updated list of things people can work on and will be providing direction and help getting started.

Thanks and we look forward to seeing you at the next Docs Sprint!

P.S. If these days and times aren’t convenient, consider organizing your own local Docs Sprint.

#meetup, #sprint