These people have pledged time to contribute to Core Performance Team efforts! When looking for help on a project or program, try starting by reaching out to the people on this list!

If you'd like to add yourself to this list, you can sign up on the Five for the Future site.

Weston Ruter (@westonruter)

Sponsored to contribute 30 hours per week to Core Performance and 1 other team

Vijay Raval (@vijayraval)

Volunteers to contribute 2 hours per week to Core Performance and 3 other teams

Jayeshkumar Chopda (@jayeshchopda)

Volunteers to contribute 4 hours per week to Core Performance and 14 other teams

Mukesh Panchal (@mukesh27)

Sponsored to contribute 35 hours per week to Core Performance and 1 other team

Alisson Custodio (@alissonic)

Volunteers to contribute 5 hours per week to Core Performance and 7 other teams

Pascal Birchler (@swissspidy)

Sponsored to contribute 24 hours per week to Core Performance and 3 other teams

NewfieSoft (@newfiesoft)

Sponsored to contribute 40 hours per week to Core Performance and 22 other teams

وردپرس ایرانی (@masoudnkh)

Sponsored to contribute 10 hours per week to Core Performance and 9 other teams

David Levine (@justlevine)

Volunteers to contribute 4 hours per week to Core Performance and 1 other team

Raj Kothari (@rajkothariv)

Sponsored to contribute 7 hours per week to Core Performance and 22 other teams

Khoi Pro (@khoipro)

Sponsored to contribute 4 hours per week to Core Performance and 3 other teams

miroku (@369work)

Volunteers to contribute 20 hours per week to Core Performance and 2 other teams

Pramod Gaikwad (@pramodgaikwadwt)

Volunteers to contribute 40 hours per week to Core Performance and 13 other teams

Airat Gilmutdinov (@airgil)

Sponsored to contribute 25 hours per week to Core Performance and 6 other teams

Technostacks Infotech (@wpcontributor)

Sponsored to contribute 10 hours per week to Core Performance and 8 other teams

Rene Hermenau (@renehermi)

Sponsored to contribute 1 hour per week to Core Performance and 2 other teams

Shivam Kumar (@ceowizzyweb)

Volunteers to contribute 15 hours per week to Core Performance and 9 other teams

Darshan Chauhan (@thetechnojunkie)

Volunteers to contribute 20 hours per week to Core Performance and 5 other teams

Pratap Patil - Walstar Technologies Pvt Ltd (@pratapvashi123)

Sponsored to contribute 5 hours per week to Core Performance and 13 other teams

pasio47dbg (@pasio47dbg)

Volunteers to contribute 1 hour per week to Core Performance and 16 other teams

Cybrok Solutions (@cybrok)

Sponsored to contribute 40 hours per week to Core Performance and 3 other teams

Yasin BOSTANCI (ta2cgc) (@ta2cgc)

Volunteers to contribute 30 hours per week to Core Performance and 22 other teams

Pratik Sinha (@ceodigitecholic)

Volunteers to contribute 20 hours per week to Core Performance and 13 other teams

Billy Putra (@billysm)

Sponsored to contribute 5 hours per week to Core Performance and 7 other teams

GeboArt.Dev (@solupracticas)

Volunteers to contribute 3 hours per week to Core Performance and 6 other teams

MUFEED SALLAM (@mufeed24)

Sponsored to contribute 48 hours per week to Core Performance and 22 other teams

Shyamsundar Gadde (@shyamgadde)

Sponsored to contribute 40 hours per week to Core Performance

docjojo (@docjojo)

Sponsored to contribute 7 hours per week to Core Performance and 3 other teams

Devansh Chaudhary (@devansh2002)

Sponsored to contribute 2 hours per week to Core Performance and 1 other team

Ashley (@ashleykb95)

Volunteers to contribute 40 hours per week to Core Performance and 22 other teams

WordPress Satkhira Community (@wpsatkhira)

Volunteers to contribute 10 hours per week to Core Performance and 5 other teams

SirLouen (@sirlouen)

Volunteers to contribute 20 hours per week to Core Performance and 2 other teams

Sanjay Vala (@sanjayvala27)

Volunteers to contribute 20 hours per week to Core Performance and 8 other teams

Matteo Enna (@matteoenna)

Sponsored to contribute 7 hours per week to Core Performance and 2 other teams

Ahsan Khan (@ahsankhan316)

Volunteers to contribute 7 hours per week to Core Performance and 7 other teams

Mahesh Patel (@maheshpatel)

Sponsored to contribute 4 hours per week to Core Performance and 4 other teams

Kawsar Ahmed Rubel (@kawsarahmedr)

Sponsored to contribute 30 hours per week to Core Performance and 14 other teams

adeleyeayodeji (@biggidroid)

Sponsored to contribute 4 hours per week to Core Performance and 8 other teams

Mansi Jani (@mjani)

Volunteers to contribute 1 hour per week to Core Performance and 5 other teams

Hooman (@whoman)

Volunteers to contribute 10 hours per week to Core Performance and 21 other teams

Joe McGill (@joemcgill)

Sponsored to contribute 20 hours per week to Core Performance and 1 other team

Pritam Senghani (@pritamsenghani)

Sponsored to contribute 45 hours per week to Core Performance and 6 other teams

Kaushal Gajjar (@kaushal011)

Volunteers to contribute 4 hours per week to Core Performance and 6 other teams

Mohammad Arshad (@arsh999cg)

Volunteers to contribute 6 hours per week to Core Performance and 8 other teams

Jomon Thomas Lobo (@jomonthomaslobo1)

Volunteers to contribute 2 hours per week to Core Performance and 22 other teams

LucasRolff (@lucasrolff)

Sponsored to contribute 8 hours per week to Core Performance and 4 other teams

chaloem khompitoon (@khompitoail55)

Sponsored to contribute 24 hours per week to Core Performance and 11 other teams

Manzur Ahammed (@manzurahammed)

Sponsored to contribute 4 hours per week to Core Performance and 3 other teams

Rishi Mehta (@rcreators)

Sponsored to contribute 15 hours per week to Core Performance and 10 other teams

Ronny Freites (@spocck)

Volunteers to contribute 2 hours per week to Core Performance and 4 other teams

M. Ali Saleem (@zinger252)

Volunteers to contribute 2 hours per week to Core Performance and 22 other teams

Playgirlkaybrazyworld (@playgirlkaybrazyworld)

Sponsored to contribute 24 hours per week to Core Performance and 21 other teams

Jackson Kalle (@jackkalle)

Volunteers to contribute 30 hours per week to Core Performance and 8 other teams

cfeldens (@cfeldens)

Volunteers to contribute 10 hours per week to Core Performance and 6 other teams


Volunteers to contribute 1 hour per week to Core Performance and 22 other teams

Sikiru Alli (@tomwslape5638)

Sponsored to contribute 20 hours per week to Core Performance and 22 other teams

Ibrahim Sharif (@ibrahimsharif)

Volunteers to contribute 3 hours per week to Core Performance and 6 other teams


Sponsored to contribute 50 hours per week to Core Performance and 19 other teams

Nader Haji Heydari (@naderht)

Volunteers to contribute 7 hours per week to Core Performance and 4 other teams

CodeInitiator (@ajku99)

Volunteers to contribute 15 hours per week to Core Performance and 8 other teams

Iftekhirull (@iftecodeconfig)

Sponsored to contribute 5 hours per week to Core Performance and 7 other teams

IT Path Solutions (@itpathsolutions)

Volunteers to contribute 16 hours per week to Core Performance and 6 other teams

Timur Kalimullin (@zetrider)

Volunteers to contribute 2 hours per week to Core Performance and 1 other team

kelvin sitole (@kelvin2024)

Volunteers to contribute 10 hours per week to Core Performance and 9 other teams

anogh (@anogh)

Sponsored to contribute 4 hours per week to Core Performance and 4 other teams

Lovekesh Kumar (@thelovekesh)

Sponsored to contribute 15 hours per week to Core Performance

Jigar Panchal (@jigar9998)

Sponsored to contribute 8 hours per week to Core Performance and 2 other teams

Majeed Raza (@lorro)

Volunteers to contribute 20 hours per week to Core Performance and 2 other teams

boradashvin (@boradashvin)

Volunteers to contribute 30 hours per week to Core Performance and 5 other teams

Samsul Islam Rana (@ranafge)

Volunteers to contribute 2 hours per week to Core Performance and 3 other teams

wromo (@wromo)

Volunteers to contribute 20 hours per week to Core Performance and 16 other teams

Sagar Tamang (@mi5t4n)

Sponsored to contribute 10 hours per week to Core Performance and 3 other teams

WESINA BOSCO (@wesinabosco)

Sponsored to contribute 8 hours per week to Core Performance and 22 other teams

Md Enamul Haq (@enamulwp)

Volunteers to contribute 10 hours per week to Core Performance and 5 other teams

Rafiqul Islam (@rafiq91)

Sponsored to contribute 4 hours per week to Core Performance and 3 other teams

Ki-Themes (@geceolurken)

Sponsored to contribute 10 hours per week to Core Performance and 22 other teams

Jean Moise Saint Felix (@jmmoving84)

Sponsored to contribute 60 hours per week to Core Performance and 16 other teams

eslam el sherif (@eslamelsherif)

Sponsored to contribute 20 hours per week to Core Performance and 4 other teams


Volunteers to contribute 48 hours per week to Core Performance and 21 other teams

Remy Perona (@tabrisrp)

Volunteers to contribute 4 hours per week to Core Performance and 1 other team

er.gauravmittal1989 (@ergauravmittal1989)

Sponsored to contribute 40 hours per week to Core Performance and 3 other teams

Nikunj Sukhadevbhai Gondaliya (@gondaliyanikunj)

Volunteers to contribute 20 hours per week to Core Performance and 22 other teams

Muhammad Farhan Mahmood (@itsmfarhan)

Volunteers to contribute 8 hours per week to Core Performance and 2 other teams

Tyler Thomas (Kulture) (@kmvg)

Volunteers to contribute 10 hours per week to Core Performance and 11 other teams


Sponsored to contribute 10 hours per week to Core Performance and 3 other teams

Muhammad Shoaib (@shaibi)

Sponsored to contribute 5 hours per week to Core Performance and 12 other teams

Mayur Prajapati (@mayur8991)

Sponsored to contribute 2 hours per week to Core Performance and 4 other teams

Arize Nnonyelu (@dopeboy)

Volunteers to contribute 7 hours per week to Core Performance and 11 other teams

jigar.mistry.j (@jigarmistryj)

Volunteers to contribute 20 hours per week to Core Performance and 22 other teams

Aditya Dhade (@b1ink0)

Sponsored to contribute 40 hours per week to Core Performance

fzylogic (@fzylogic)

Sponsored to contribute 4 hours per week to Core Performance

Ashwin Parthasarathi (@ashwinparthasarathi)

Volunteers to contribute 5 hours per week to Core Performance and 2 other teams

Meet Makadia (@immeet94)

Volunteers to contribute 5 hours per week to Core Performance and 3 other teams

Shahriar Rahman (@mrbla4ck)

Volunteers to contribute 1 hour per week to Core Performance and 16 other teams

Romjan Mondol (@romjan369)

Volunteers to contribute 40 hours per week to Core Performance

imfaizan (@imfaizan)

Volunteers to contribute 8 hours per week to Core Performance and 22 other teams

Hristo Pandjarov (@hristo-sg)

Sponsored to contribute 2 hours per week to Core Performance and 4 other teams

Marko Heijnen (@markoheijnen)

Volunteers to contribute 4 hours per week to Core Performance and 5 other teams

Ahmed Saeed (@engahmeds3ed)

Sponsored to contribute 4 hours per week to Core Performance and 2 other teams

RemalM. (@mahmudremal)

Volunteers to contribute 14 hours per week to Core Performance and 5 other teams

system909 (@system909)

Sponsored to contribute 2 hours per week to Core Performance and 1 other team

Code Decorator (@codedecorator)

Volunteers to contribute 50 hours per week to Core Performance and 4 other teams

yasir89 (@yasir89)

Volunteers to contribute 10 hours per week to Core Performance and 5 other teams

Code Tốt (@codetot)

Sponsored to contribute 2 hours per week to Core Performance and 1 other team

Kreactiva (@kreactiva)

Volunteers to contribute 10 hours per week to Core Performance and 4 other teams

Khadreal (@khadreal)

Sponsored to contribute 3 hours per week to Core Performance and 3 other teams

WpFreshers (@wpfreshers)

Sponsored to contribute 30 hours per week to Core Performance and 20 other teams

Tawanda (@tawandamoyo)

Volunteers to contribute 8 hours per week to Core Performance and 1 other team

Md Billal Hossain (@probillals)

Volunteers to contribute 4 hours per week to Core Performance and 12 other teams

Ibukun Alesinloye (@highb33kay)

Volunteers to contribute 4 hours per week to Core Performance and 4 other teams

An Kun Studio, Inc. (@ankunstudio)

Sponsored to contribute 24 hours per week to Core Performance and 22 other teams

BeautifulPlugins (@beautifulplugins)

Sponsored to contribute 30 hours per week to Core Performance and 14 other teams

Ridoy Islam (@ridoyislam)

Volunteers to contribute 10 hours per week to Core Performance and 22 other teams

Alwyn (@alwyn99)

Sponsored to contribute 1 hour per week to Core Performance and 22 other teams

Mohammad Saif Uddin (@wpsaifuddin)

Volunteers to contribute 56 hours per week to Core Performance and 10 other teams

Rodney Lacambra (@rodneylacambra)

Volunteers to contribute 1 hour per week to Core Performance and 7 other teams

Ayeet Daniel Onyanga (@isleeve)

Sponsored to contribute 12 hours per week to Core Performance and 6 other teams

Web Designer (Back-end & Front-end • WordPress) (@jonataslima)

Volunteers to contribute 2 hours per week to Core Performance and 3 other teams

Rafsan Jani (@webrafsan)

Volunteers to contribute 4 hours per week to Core Performance and 8 other teams

Ty Chhoun (@tychhoun)

Volunteers to contribute 2 hours per week to Core Performance and 21 other teams

Prabhav Dev (@prabhavdev)

Volunteers to contribute 42 hours per week to Core Performance and 1 other team

Jatin (@fastestrank)

Sponsored to contribute 5 hours per week to Core Performance and 21 other teams

Sultra baru news (@sultrabarunews)

Sponsored to contribute 24 hours per week to Core Performance and 22 other teams

Sapna Rathor (@sapnarathore01)

Volunteers to contribute 20 hours per week to Core Performance and 6 other teams

Mitesh Solanki (@miteshsolanki)

Volunteers to contribute 10 hours per week to Core Performance and 3 other teams

Amad Zahid (@amadzahid)

Volunteers to contribute 5 hours per week to Core Performance and 6 other teams

HITShipo (@hitstacks)

Volunteers to contribute 4 hours per week to Core Performance and 21 other teams

Diana Tupas (@yannatupas)

Volunteers to contribute 4 hours per week to Core Performance and 5 other teams

theramraja (@theramraja)

Sponsored to contribute 1 hour per week to Core Performance and 22 other teams

dparekh19 (@dparekh19)

Volunteers to contribute 40 hours per week to Core Performance and 9 other teams

Olaide Akinleye (@laridexy)

Volunteers to contribute 20 hours per week to Core Performance and 3 other teams

Kebab Empire (@kebabempire2023)

Volunteers to contribute 5 hours per week to Core Performance

AntiMacai (@antimacai)

Sponsored to contribute 2 hours per week to Core Performance and 11 other teams

abpnchn (@pnchn)

Volunteers to contribute 10 hours per week to Core Performance and 21 other teams

omfed123 (@omfed123)

Volunteers to contribute 24 hours per week to Core Performance and 19 other teams

Sanjay Jadav (@jadavsanjay)

Volunteers to contribute 5 hours per week to Core Performance and 4 other teams

ianzhi (@ianzhi)

Volunteers to contribute 1 hour per week to Core Performance

Vishal Jangade (@vishal1208)

Volunteers to contribute 1 hour per week to Core Performance and 7 other teams

Deepak jerry (@deepakjerry)

Sponsored to contribute 20 hours per week to Core Performance and 7 other teams

Aqsa J. (@aqsaj)

Volunteers to contribute 12 hours per week to Core Performance and 14 other teams

LETSCMS MLM Software (@letscms)

Volunteers to contribute 40 hours per week to Core Performance and 6 other teams

ทิพพิชัย เศษลือ (@pat0125)

Sponsored to contribute 1 hour per week to Core Performance and 8 other teams

Jeffrey Romero Cunanan (@jadocrown83)

Sponsored to contribute 40 hours per week to Core Performance and 18 other teams

Galaxy Techup (@galaxytechup)

Sponsored to contribute 10 hours per week to Core Performance and 22 other teams

Carlos Artur Matos (@carlosmatos2024)

Volunteers to contribute 6 hours per week to Core Performance and 1 other team

Reditect (@reditect)

Volunteers to contribute 2 hours per week to Core Performance and 3 other teams

Kazi Md Golam habib (@kazi4480)

Volunteers to contribute 36 hours per week to Core Performance and 10 other teams

anapaulasblaiter (@anapaulasblaiter)

Sponsored to contribute 3 hours per week to Core Performance and 20 other teams

Surjo Hot (@surjosaha)

Volunteers to contribute 3 hours per week to Core Performance and 4 other teams