Community Team Event Updates– July 16, 2024

Here is the quarterly update on our ongoing efforts to support community growth, guided by the Big Picture Goals 2024. Our focus is on helping current contributors and attracting new participants to our events. To that end, this report includes the latest participation rates and event financial activity, highlighting our progress and identifying areas for continued improvement.

As of June 30, 2024

WordCamps & WordPress Events Stats

First-time Attendees (FTA)
41.58% (Target 45%)
(WordCamps and WordPress events, excluding Meetups and Flagship WordCamps)

Events with 50% FTAs
24% (Target 45%)
(Average first-time attendee rate in local WordCamps & WordPress Events this year)

Event Attendee Satisfaction Rate
82.81% (Target 80%)
(Percentage of “Extremely satisfied” or “Satisfied” in WordPress Events post-event survey.)

Number of WordCamps
From January 1st to June 30th.
(Active WordCamps and WordPress Events / WordCamps and WordPress Events that have been held or are scheduled to be held)

Number of other WordPress Events
+175.0% (11)

MeetupMeetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on will help you find options in your area.’s Stats

January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024

Number of RSVPs
-3.9% (39,013 Growth compared to the same period last year) 

Number of meetup groups
+1.7% (761)

Number of Meetup members
+4.3% (537,597)

Community Team Contributors

As part of the Five for the Future promotion, we will disclose the number of members who contribute to the community team.
(The current number of Program Managers, Program Supporters and Event Supporters.)


Total Global Funds (FY2024)

Current Expenses
