Test Ticket Queue
(change: N) represents changes from last week = this week – last week
Current totals:
- Needs reproduce issue: 1490 (change: 0)
- Patches needing testing: 211 (change: -1)
- Unit tests for patches:
- Tagged as needs testing info: 7 (change: 0)
New/changes In last 7 days:
- Needs reproduce issue: 5 (change: -5)
- Patches needing testing: 5 (change: +1)
- Unit tests for patches:
- Tagged as needs testing info: 0 (change: 0)
Closed in last 7 days:
- Could not reproduce issue: 13 (change: +11)
- Patches needing testing: 0 (change: -2)
- Unit tests for patches:
- Tagged as needs testing info: 0 (change: 0)
- Week in Test => curated guide to point testers were they could contribute this week; also includes posts for awareness and learnings
- Modernize to Latest PHPUnit project is now complete 🎉
- Dev Note published
- Huge kudos to cross-team, cross-component, and cross-(open sourceOpen Source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL.)project effort to solve this hard hard problem and each challenge! 👏 Showed the best of our collaborative spirit 🎉
- Core e2e working strategy session happening this week (i.e. for 5.9 testing roadmap)
Help needed: