Polyglots Team Update (Dec. 16)

Our meeting agendas and notes for the past weeks:

Stats (between December 2nd and 9th)

  • 49 (-10) locales are up-to-date. There are 12 locales (-0) behind by a minor version and 24(+13) behind by a major version. Note: as of Dec. 11th, 48 locales show as 100% translate for 5.6
  • There are 17 unresolved editor requests out of 3,831 (+18) and 14 unresolved locale requests out of 145 (-0).
  • There are 689 GTEs (+2), 4,959 (+5) PTEs, and 47,898 (+178) translation contributors.
  • Non-en-US sites are now at 55.294% (-0.006%) of active installs.

