Most of the team reps I speak to have heard about Five for the Future, the initiative, that was shared by Matt many years ago. Early in 2018, following many conversations in and around the community, we started discussing ways that we can make participation in Five for the Future clearer.
No decisions have been made about the best ways to do this. However, as I talk to various team reps and contributors, it’s clear to me that I don’t have a full picture of what each team considers a contribution.
I would love if the team reps could comment about what each team considers a contribution. Everything from “Good First Bugs” to “Commit Access” (as it applies to your particular group of contributors). A bulleted list that is grouped in types of tasks is what I most need, don’t worry about being terribly granular or detailed. If I need explanation, I’ll follow up. 🙂
P.S. — For those who want a timeline or some concept of how this fits with current work. It’s a mid- to long-term project and need. Sooner is better than later, but it is likely to be early 2019.