The Community Team meets twice a month, first and third Thursday, at two different times to cover different timezones.
Agenda and SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at logs from May 3rd: 11:00 UTC and 20:00 UTC
Deputy check-in
All good with the team, there are quite few applications for WordCamps and Meetups and everyone is invited to spend some time in HelpScout to help with triaging, vetting, orienting, replying to different requests.
Proposals/Discussions/Help needed
WordCamp Europe 2018 – Community Team Plans
What should we work on while we are in Belgrade? Time to brainstorm!
Call for Moderators: WP15 needs your help!
In order to keep the WP15 social media stream family friendly, we need the help of some moderators. A lot of people came through, so thank you everyone!
Discussion: should Community Self-Training be mandatory?
The Community team worked on a series of self-training modules and quizzes. We ask new Community organisers to go through those more and more, but right now we don’t have the resources to grade all of them if they are made mandatory. Some people proposed to turn the quizzes in multiples choice questions instead of open questions to save time in the grading, but that would require a complete re-write of the modules.
The evening chat especially expanded on the initial topic and discussed the fact we could work more “mission & values” content into orientations, so people will be aware and aligned with those.
We haven’t reached a conclusion, but some good ideas came out of the discussions and they will be recapped in the post itself.