Weekly stats
- 172 (±0) locales
- 55 (+52) up to date
- 16 (-52) behind by minor versions
- 6 (±0) behind by one major version
- 34 (±0) behind more than one major version
- 51 (±0) have site but never released
- 10 (±0) have no site.
- 172 (±0) total
- 62 (+2) at 100%
- 15 (-2) over 95%
- 7 (±0) over 90%
- 24 (±0) over 50%
- 55 (±0) below 50%
- 109 (±0) have a language pack generated
- 9 (±0) have no project.
There are 65 unresolved editor requests out of 1 475 (+21) total and 27 unresolved locale requests out of 85 (+1) total.
There are 542 (+1) GTEGeneral Translation Editor General Translation Editor – One of the polyglots team leads in a geographic region https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/teams/. Further information at https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/handbook/glossary/#general-translation-editor., 2 321 (+26) PTE and 22 597 (+141) translation contributors.
(A wordpress.orgWordPress.org The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. https://wordpress.org/ account could have multiple roles over different locale)
Site language:
51,757% (-0,003%) of WordPress sites are running a translated WordPress site.
Discussion topics:
- Weekly focus: About page new strings up for translation – https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/meta/wordpress-org
- The WordPress Jargon Glossary is out – it’s a good source to reference in local style guides and instructions for translating. It’s been added to the Handbook.
- Volunteers for locale research are needed. See this handbook page for details. Here’s a list of the waiting locales. If you’d like to get involve and help and you haven’t done locale research before, please reach out to @petya
- Polyglots Contributor drives documentation updated
Next meetings: