Community Team Chats – December 7, 2017

The Community Team meets twice a month, first and third Thursday, at two different times to cover different timezones.
SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at logs from December 7th: 8:00 UTC and 20:00 UTC

We always kick things off with a deputy check-in: everything is going smoothly for everyone. Things have slowed down since we are at the end of the year.

We wrapped up a discussion about Micro-regional WordCamps and added new documentation for do_action:

We started working on a number of new initiatives:

We have also a meeting for a new working group inside our team: Diversity Outreach Speaker Training. They had their first meeting on November 29 and @jillbinder ran a live training at WCUS Contributor DayContributor Day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus. The next planning meeting is Wednesday, December 13th @ 5:00pm UTC (12pm Eastern) on #community-team. Jill will run a 1.5 hour training session on Wednesday, December 20th at the same time (@ 5:00pm UTC (12pm Eastern)). If you are struggling to build a more diverse line up for your MeetupMeetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on will help you find options in your area. or WordCamp schedule we suggest to keep an eye on this.

There is a lively conversation in our blog about removing Twitter handles from Attendees pages, we invite you to leave your feedback in the comments.

Reminder for everyone: there will be a payment intermission (i.e. no WordCamp or meetup payments will be made) from 23 December to 2 January.

Next chat will be Thursday, December 21st.
