Marketing Team Update – August 9, 2017

Hi everyone.

The Marketing Team has four subgroups, each of whom post updates on the Marketing Blog.

We have changed our meeting time for all subgroups to 15:00 UTC.

For consensus in our meetings, we’ve decided to work on one task and at the 45 minute mark take wish list items. This is helping with the overall flow of meetings.

Marketing to End-Users

This week the marketing to end-users team met. We parked an issue regarding the codex and decided to work on some of our “metaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress.” tasks.

One such project is the vision of the marketing team and where we’re headed. That doc is being reviewed by our team and will be published in August.

We’ve also created a tweet library for the Polygots team for #WPTranslationDay and are working on some blog posts, too.
