- 583 new tickets are waiting for review.
- 415 tickets are older than 4 weeks
- 498 tickets are older than 2 weeks
- 532 tickets are older than 1 week
- 563 tickets are older than 3 days
- 88 tickets are assigned to 61 reviewers.
- 86 tickets are older than 4 weeks
- 91 tickets are older than 2 weeks
- 92 tickets are older than 1 week
- 93 tickets are older than 3 days
- 42 are approved but are waiting to be made live.
In the past 7 days
- 212 tickets were opened
- 234 tickets were closed:
- 218 tickets were made live.
- 16 new Themes were made live.
- 202 Theme updates were made live.
- 16 more were approved but are waiting to be made live.
- 15 tickets were not-approved.
- 1 tickets were closed-newer-version-uploaded.
- 218 tickets were made live.
On Thursday theme updates began to be auto approved. Also mentioning that this is a lot of trust on theme authors when it comes to theme updates.
We had quite a few active reviewers throughout the week as well, many of which were recognized in our weekly post. Even better to see a few new faces in that list.