- 593 new tickets are waiting for review.
- 384 tickets are older than 4 weeks
- 463 tickets are older than 2 weeks
- 510 tickets are older than 1 week
- 537 tickets are older than 3 days
- 88 tickets are assigned to 60 reviewers.
- 91 tickets are older than 4 weeks
- 95 tickets are older than 2 weeks
- 99 tickets are older than 1 week
- 99 tickets are older than 3 days
- 46 are approved but are waiting to be made live.
In the past 7 days
- 142 tickets were opened
- 158 tickets were closed:
- 135 tickets were made live.
- 9 new Themes were made live.
- 126 Theme updates were made live.
- 15 more were approved but are waiting to be made live.
- 19 tickets were not-approved.
- 4 tickets were closed-newer-version-uploaded.
- 135 tickets were made live.
Our last meeting was fairly short with a mention of thanking our active theme reviewers. This will be a weekly post to recognize all active reviewers. Without activity we have no movement, after all. Currently it is pulled from report 8 but it will be worked on in the future to get better information for the week not just at the current state.