- 259 new tickets are waiting for review.
- 94 tickets are older than 4 weeks
- 168 tickets are older than 2 weeks
- 205 tickets are older than 1 week
- 230 tickets are older than 3 days
- 177 tickets are assigned to 154 reviewers.
- 174 tickets are older than 4 weeks
- 174 tickets are older than 2 weeks
- 175 tickets are older than 1 week
- 176 tickets are older than 3 days
- 68 are approved but are waiting to be made live.
In the past 7 days
- 142 tickets were opened
- 198 tickets were closed:
- 134 tickets were made live.
- 45 new Themes were made live.
- 89 Theme updates were made live.
- 34 more were approved but are waiting to be made live.
- 61 tickets were not-approved.
- 3 tickets were closed-newer-version-uploaded.
- 134 tickets were made live.
A few days ago we began by approving updates as it will get us one step closer to automating the process of auto-approving updates. ( Yeah, it was strangely phrased ) Some were a bit confused about the screenshot’s maximum size and recommend sizes so we clarified a little more and updated all documentation for it. Other than those minor items, we had a typical review week. No llamas were harmed in the making of this post.
Our next meeting will be in the usual place ( SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at #themereview channel ) and at the same time ( Tuesday 1800UTC ).