- 204 new tickets are waiting for review.
- 14 tickets are older than 4 weeks
- 93 tickets are older than 2 weeks
- 145 tickets are older than 1 week
- 170 tickets are older than 3 days
- 213 tickets are assigned to 173 reviewers.
- 203 tickets are older than 4 weeks
- 206 tickets are older than 2 weeks
- 211 tickets are older than 1 week
- 213 tickets are older than 3 days
- 36 are approved but are waiting to be made live.
In the past 7 days
- 118 tickets were opened
- 184 tickets were closed:
- 157 tickets were made live.
- 10 new Themes were made live.
- 147 Theme updates were made live.
- 21 more were approved but are waiting to be made live.
- 27 tickets were not-approved.
- 0 tickets were closed-newer-version-uploaded.
- 157 tickets were made live.
We had a somewhat productive meeting last week. Narrowed down a list of usable tags. Tomorrow’s meeting will be at the same time ( 1800UTC ) and in the #themereview SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel.