Accessibility Team Update: March 26, 2014

Meeting Time Change

We will be going back to a meeting time of 19:00 UTC next Wednesday, April 2.


The meeting this past Wednesday was interesting. Now we’re getting to the heart of the matter.

So far, we have compiled a keyboard-only report on most of 3.8 and have some data to rely on.

The first pattern we identified from the testing is poor visual keyboard focus in the Admin. Rian created a ticket dealing with keyboard focus. Better visual indication of focus on elements in the Admin (#27173). This ticket is now closed (fixed.) Thanks Rian!

Testing 3.9

We have to quickly change gears because 3.9 is due out in 18 days and we have to test and create tickets where we find issues. A list of items to concentrate on will help guide us.

Contact @AccessibleJoe for details if you want to help test 3.9.

#accessibility, #team-reps, #weekly-meetings