Support Team Update for February 20th

Items discussed at today’s IRC support #wordpress-sfd meetupMeetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on will help you find options in your area..

Transcribing IRC meetups

At the weekly agenda post Clorith brought up the idea of getting better at transcribing meetup talks to make/support so those that can’t attend have an easier time to get caught up/involved.

Not everyone is aware of 😉

This conversation had 2 outcomes.

  1. As the support rep I will cross post the updates to both make/updates and make/support.
  2. The make/support post for discussing the IRC meetup agenda will be posted Sunday or Monday.

The idea is to get more people involved and make/support is a great place to do that. The make/updates site will still be used to inform other teams what’s going on.

Directing casual users to make/updates may be information overload and by cross posting these updates more people may be presented with an opportunity to participate.

Dealing with negativity

Kenshino brought up the item in the agenda post about dealing with IRC participants who bash WordPress or are just generally negative at times.

There was some discussion and the consensus was that aside from encouraging people to be positive there’s not much to be done about it. Negativity is weird and trying to get people on a positive tone can get messy.

One point that Mika reminded the meetup was that not everyone speaks English or even the same English natively. So please try to keep the slang to a minimum when you’re steering people to being positive. This also applies to posting in the make blogs.

The IRC logs for today’s meetup can be found at this link.
