The following items were discussed:
- Kim Parsell brought up this Trac ticket regarding Ajax errors in the WP Admin pages
Mika at Nacin’s request and Kim’s suggestion posted to the make:plugins page
- DrewAPicture brought up another tracTrac Trac is the place where contributors create issues for bugs or feature requests much like GitHub. ticket regarding cookies not being passed on via reverse proxies.
Mark Jaquith confirmed that some of the cookies were apparently being stripped out or not getting passed on.
- Jan brought up an FYI that Automattic was now including a download link to their free theme’s via the An online implementation of WordPress code that lets you immediately access a new WordPress environment to publish your content. is a private company owned by Automattic that hosts the largest multisite in the world. This is arguably the best place to start blogging if you have never touched WordPress before. theme pages. Not all of these themes are are this time available in the .ORG theme repository. Kathryn Presner confirmed that the goal is to get all of the free themes into the .ORG theme repo (the latest one was Panel).
As this is an ongoing effort by Automattic if there are any topics that need addtional support for such a theme then please tag that topic with “wpcom-theme”. Kathryn has subscribed to that tag and will get notified.