Community Team Update for June 14, 2013

This will hopefully be the last /community update before we merge with /events. Hoping to do that officially when Andrea and I are together next week at OS Bridge.

Past Week:

  • Represented the project at AdaCamp SF, a conference about/by/for women in open technology and culture. The WordPress team reps contingent included me and Andrea Middleton sent by Automattic (who sponsored the event), and Mika Epstein sent by Dreamhost. Hanni Ross and Jackie Dana from Automattic were also there, as was Courtney O’Callaghan, one of the TAs from our DC training pilot. We also got to meet Kat Hagan, one of our OPW interns.
  • All the gsoc/opw interns are gearing up to start their projects this week, and have access to their repos. They’ll be posting weekly updates to the contributor team blogs with which their projects are most closely aligned, and will take care of the administrative stuff on /community.
  • Work continues on a new The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. homepage. Ben is working on some icons for it now, after which we should be able to launch a v1.
  • Connected with people from other projects at AdaCamp to discuss open sourceOpen Source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL. stats and how we can improve in this area.
  • Planning outreach activity at Open Source Bridge and OSCON.
  • Confirmed a training workshop in Montreal.

Coming Week:

  • Open Source Bridge conference in Portland. Both Andrea and I will be attending.
  • Combine /events and /community blogs.
  • Try to get the new Make homepage launched.
  • Start the process of discussing a) team repTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. elections, and b) community summit.
  • Schedule people to staff the OSCON table that we’re doing thanks to Bluehost. Any Team reps planning to attend?
