Events Team Update for 3/7/2013

Past Week:

  • WordCamp CentralWordCamp Central Website for all WordCamp activities globally. includes a list of upcoming and past camp with links to each. responded to 9 applications: asked 5 to start a meetupMeetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on will help you find options in your area., asked 2 to join the local meetup, and approved Albuquerque and Slovakia for planning.
  • published 13 videos and added a moderator.
  • Base Theme Templates worked out some questions about the speaker template
  • Review Guidelines started crunching survey data and posted a survey for non-WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. event organizers related to the guidelines.
  • Finalized the GPL Vetting Checklist for WordCamp organizers to use, and the Agreement among WordCamp Organizers, Sponsors, Speakers, and Volunteers, which I’ll be asking people to sign from now on

Coming week:

  • An Exciting Announcement for This time we mean it.
  • Get a signing
  • WordCamp organizer mentorship program proposal for team reps to review.
  • Continue responding to WordCamp applications and working with WordCamps in planning.