Last week
- WPiOS 3.5 submitted. Improved post previews, auto-saving and bug fixes.
- WPAndroid UIUI UI is an acronym for User Interface - the layout of the page the user interacts with. Think ‘how are they doing that’ and less about what they are doing. Updates progress continues.
- WPAndroid Previews nearing completion. Maven work is in trunk, menu will follow.
- WPWindowsPhone bug fixes and improvements to stats.
- Reviewed a new mockup during the dev chat. Discussed walk-through ideas.
This week
- WPiOS: Wrap up feature discussion and start planning a new visual editor.
- WPAndroid: Wrap up Post Previews
- WPAndroid UI Updates: get the new menu in trunk
- WPWindowsPhone: Add gallery feature and submit version 2.0.
- Mockups: Iterate on the mockups based on feedback from dev chat.
More information in this week’s dev chat summary.