First team update! Now that the new year is underway, so are our team projects. We’ll be slowly growing our contributor group so that we don’t try to take on too much at once, to help ensure that what we do take on we can do well. Andrea Rennick and I are the team reps for this group, and have a few people volunteering to help with various projects. There are a bunch of things that cross multiple teams (like meetups), so we’ll need to make sure we work closely together and don’t step on each other’s toes.
Past Week:
- Started outlining activities for the Welcome Wagon, an initiative to help new contributors feel supported and point them in the right direction.
- Created the #wordpress-contribute channel on freenode, which will be staffed with volunteers to help new contributors find their way.
- Posted Team RepTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. orientation here on this site, and got the last of the team rep decisions settled.
- Rolled Training group into Support.
- Began planning the first training for women, intended to help them level up in a safe environment. Looking at Troubleshooting WordPress as the first topic, and doing a pilot in San Francisco and Washington, DC due to active communities + venue availability. Intention is te help women level up professional skills and feel more confident as potential contributors (in this case, to forums). No dates set yet, but looking at end February/early March.
- Reviewed wordpress.orgWordPress.org The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. https://wordpress.org/ site improvement projects with Otto.
- Proposed contributor drive to Support Group (20 Questions).
Coming Week:
- Create volunteer schedule for staffing #wordpress-contribute.
- Add profile fields to capture diversity data.
- Work on make.wordpress.org landing page to be friendlier.
- Continue planning for women’s workshops.
- Follow up with support on 20 Questions.
- Make calendar of events we’ll time community projects around: WordPress’s 10th birthday, SXSW, GSoC, Software Freedom Day, etc.