It’s been a seriously long time since my last update; sorry! Mea culpa maxima, for sure.
Past weeks:
- Approved the following WordCamps for planning: Minneapolis, Chicago, Nicaragua, Hamilton, and Nashville
- Approved the budgets for and put the following WordCamps on the schedule: Atlanta, Miami, Melbourne, North Canton, Windsor, and Columbus
- Worked with the following WordCamps on planning: Ottawa, Seattle, Winnipeg, Cluj-Napoca, Pune, Baroda, Jerusalem, Bologna, and Norway
- Published 26 WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. videos
- All subcommittees are fully kicked off; most stalled or paused during the holidays.
- Event Training Materials has a great list of documents that they’re working on collecting or asking organizers to write. I’m working with them to prioritize the list. Andy McIlwain had to resign from this group due to work pressures.
- Multi-Event Sponsorships is almost ready to propose a program; they took a break for the holidays and should be back at it next week.
- The New Organizer Mentorship Program is homing in on a functioning program, which we’ll add as a page on In the next two weeks I expect to be able to have a comprehensive plan to have approved by the Team Reps.
- WordCamp Base Theme Page Templates got stuck over the holidays too, but as of this week they’re wireframing Speaker and Session profile templates and a Day Of WordCamp template and should have those ready to review when they meet on Tuesday. This team was hit particularly hard by the holidays, but I’m hoping people will drift back soon; if not, I’ll make another call for volunteers.
- Review WordCamp Guidelines is having a hard time getting a handle on their scope, but is almost ready to start reaching out to past WordCamp organizers for input on the guidelines. I expect that data-gathering phase to start next week.
- Event Video moderators have a working P2P2 P2 or O2 is the term people use to refer to the Make WordPress blog. It can be found at that they use quite effectively, and though things slowed down over the holidays, they’ve already bounced back and are interested in doing some planning for 2013. They’re really doing a great job.
Coming week:
- Andrea to write a year-end post for WordCamp CentralWordCamp Central Website for all WordCamp activities globally. includes a list of upcoming and past camp with links to each.
- Andrea to touch base with the remaining “stalled” subcommittees and help them come up with some target dates for completion
- Andrea to revisit WordCamp stickers and ship buttons to all events on the schedule that don’t already have them.
- WordCamp Victoria is tomorrow, the first on the calendar for 2013, and Phoenix is next weekend. It’s starting again!
- Get WordCamp Base Theme tracTrac Trac is the place where contributors create issues for bugs or feature requests much like GitHub. opened up for contributors.
A side note: We have a #wordcamp room on now – I’m still trying to figure out how to best use this resource so I haven’t publicized it yet. Should we just let people know about it so they can ask WordCamp questions of other WordCamp enthusiasts? Maybe a weekly open forum for organizers to get together to share and commiserate? Or none of the above? 🙂 I’m open to suggestions!
Another side note: The Events group is not listed in the drop-down menu under Get Involved. I can’t remember if this is on purpose or an oversight.