The past week the major focus of the docs team has been on updating the WordPress CodexWordPress Codex Living online manual to to get it up to date after the release of 3.5. On Thursday 13th – Friday 14th we had a virtual documentation sprint in which we attacked our master list of Codex updates. We completed almost all of the items on the list! You can see the completed list here.
The people involved in the sprint worked really hard. They were: Jerry Bates (@jerrysarcastic), Jonathan Wold (@sirjonathan), Philip Erb (@philerb), Curtis McHale (@curtismchale), Mika Epstein (@ipstenu), Jason Hoffman (@jhoffm34), and Marko Heijnen (@markoheijnen).
Particular thanks to Drew Jaynes (@DrewAPicture) who helped to drive the whole thing and worked extremely hard the whole time.
There are some developer items still incomplete, so If anyone on the coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. team, or any other developers, could take a quick look and update any items that would be fantastic. Most of them will only take a few moments to do. Just leave a message in the comments to say that you’ve done it and we can tick it off.
Since it was so successful, we’d like to have more documentation sprints in the future. These will be focused around major updates, ongoing projects, and areas that need tackled in the Codex. As well as holding virtual doc sprints, we’re interested in the idea of running doc sprints at hack days at WordCamps.
Final note: it would help us to compile lists of things that need updated if the core team could start using the needs-codex tag in their workflow.