Community Team Intro

Community (outreach, building, etc) is another new contributor group. I and Andrea Rennick are the team reps. The goal of this group is to create programs that will help bring in new contributors, and to keep contributors engaged so that casual contributions can be a stepping stone to longer-term involvement. Under that umbrella we’ll be looking at starting a number of programs, including:

  • A “welcome wagon” to let first-time contributors know they are appreciated and make sure they have the information and support they need to grow their contributions
  • Cross-group mentorship programs
  • Contributor retention and recognition programs
  • Diversity program to try and make our contributor pool less homogenous
  • College and school initiatives
  • Partnerships with other groups/orgs/etc to take advantage of existing programs (Open Hatch, Summer of Code, etc)
  • Improvements to The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. to support these initiatives and goals
  • Stats so we can track our progress in these areas

I want to start with a small focus and expand over time, rather than trying to start a lot of things at once, to make sure we don’t bite off more than we can chew. Right now we’re doing introductions over on the group blog for potential members, and general brainstorming, so that we don’t start something now and then get distracted by the 3.5 launch and then and then lose momentum the holidays. So far Amy Hendrix and Cátia Kitahara are signed on to help.

Contributors to this group should have experience contributing to WordPress and a solid understanding of the ecosystem. While we will also reach out to new contributors and non-contributors at times, in terms of having people who’ll take responsibility for creating programs, for this group a certain level of experience and trust is necessary. Alternately, people who are not experienced contributors to WordPress, but have experience with similar programs elsewhere, would be useful additions to the group.

We will most likely have a lot of collaboration/crossover with the events, training, metaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress., and documentation groups. Our weekly updates will be posted by me on Fridays. My first goal for this group is to have a prioritized list of projects by the end of the year, with people assigned to the top 3, and to have worked with the other team reps and Otto/Meta on getting some stats around our contributor pool as a baseline. Let the games begin!

#community, #intro