I tested two more users on our menus…

I tested two more users on our menus scenarios with 23119.23.diff applied. With the addition of the zero menus state, I had to modify the script a bit, as it eliminated the need to 1) create a menu, 2) add menu items, and 3) assign your first menu to a theme location for first time users.

User #11

Here’s the video.

Step 1: Log in

No issues.

Step 2: Go to menus

No issues.

Step 3: Reorganize pages

No issues.

Step 4: Preview changes

No issues.

Step 5: Remove menu item

No issues.

Step 6: Add another menu

2:50 – She thought she would add new menus through the theme locations metaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress. box (currently renamed “Menus within your theme”).
2:55 – When asked to add a new menu, she clicks in the “Menu name” field and starts typing a new name, but then realizes that it’s not right, and finds the “Add Menu” button at the top.

Step 7: Add links

3:50 – With the theme locations in the left column, the “Add links” meta box is pushed down the page, almost below the fold (making it hard to find).

User #12

Here’s the video.

Step 1: Log in

No issues.

Step 2: Go to menus

No issues.

Step 3: Reorganize pages

No issues.

Step 4: Preview changes

No issues.

Step 5: Remove menu item

No issues.

Step 6: Add another menu

2:40 – When asked to add a new menu, she clicks in the “Menu name” field and starts typing a new name, but then realizes that it’s not right, and finds the “Add Menu” button at the top.

Step 7: Add links

3:54 – She selected her new “Sites I love” menu from the drop down in the theme locations meta box, thinking that is how she would select which menu to make changes to.
4:39 – Looks like there was a hiccup on my testing server…
5:24 – She reloads and gets a MySQLMySQL MySQL is a relational database management system. A database is a structured collection of data where content, configuration and other options are stored. https://www.mysql.com/. connect error (looks like my DB went down for a minute or two). Oops…
6:55 – It’s back. She finishes her tasks.


  • Overall, it went really smoothly. I added a task to delete a menu item (which was no problem for either user).
  • The theme locations box on the left there appeared to cause confusion for the users. They thought it was where they managed menus. Note: We’ll be testing moving theme locations to checkboxes here soon (we’ll see if that makes a difference for users).
  • Both users also tried to create a new menu by typing the name of the new menu into the existing menus name field (2:55 for the first user, 2:40 for the second). They both realized this was a mistake, and then found the “Add Menu” button, but this looks to be an issue that needs addressing. What could we do here?
