New Team Rep for

End of 2018, Michael (@roseapplemedia) and Pascal (@casiepa) were elected by all of you to be your Team Reps. As per common practice within the WordPress open sourceOpen Source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL. project, team reps are being renewed after a period of time.

Michael is handing over his co-rep position, Pascal will continue for a while to hand over all the gathered knowledge to the newly elected Team RepTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts.(s), running a co-rep for WPTV.

The Team Rep role

Each community team has representatives who have been nominated by their peers to serve as “team rep”. The details of the role of a team rep can be found on, but the most important items are:

  • Team Rep is a leadership role that is mostly administrative in nature; it is not a Lead role.
  • Team Reps will ensure regular online gatherings (chats) with all contributors
  • Team Reps provide updates

How it works

Deadline: 15-Feb-2020

Any active contributor on a team can be elected as team rep.

Self-nominations can be done using the comments in this thread. If you can dedicate some time a week and feel ‘fit’ to act as Team Rep, please post your comment before the deadline! 

If you would like to nominate someone else, please do so also in a comment.

After this deadline a poll will be launched to collect all your votes. It will stay open until somewhere end of March.

Disclaimer: if you get nominated, please don’t feel like you have to say yes! We will add to the polls only the names of the people that are responding positively to a nomination. So feel free to reply with a “Thank you, but no thank you”
