ModSquad hangout next Wednesday!

It has been a while since we have had a moderator hangout, and I feel like it’s long overdue. With that in mind, instead our regular office hours on Wednesday let’s have an official hangout so we can talk shop and, well, hang out. 🙂

Join us on IRC at #wordpress-freenode on Wednesday September 3rd at 15:00 UTC (8am PDT, 11am EDT, 17:00 CEST)

Convert to your time zone

Hope to see you there!


ModSquad Hangout Recap

Howdy ModSquad! Great hangout chat in IRC yesterday, and awesome to get a chance to talk with you all. If you weren’t able to make the chat, you can find a full log of what we discussed, but here’s a recap of some of the high points:

Foreign Language videos

We are always looking to add mods who are native speakers, but in the absence of that, non-English videos tend to languish. Let’s reverse that trend by doing the best we can to get those out as fast as we can by:

  • Lifting descriptions from the WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. site as-is (no Google Translate!) and add a link to slides if we can.
  • If we need a description for the talk, take it from the WordCamp site as-is as well, adding the speaker names to match our standard formatting.
  • Viewing the video for technical issues (lighting, sound, etc)

If we can do those things, then the video is ready to publish. We can always have someone double-check it later, but let’s not hold them hostage like we do now.

Curating content

We had a good discussion around how to better feature the that truly represent the best of what WordCamp is about: Great presentations, educational content, and though provoking discussions. We see these every day, but the way is set up now, they get lost pretty easily once they fall off the home page.

One idea, which is not quite ready for implementation is curating content for syndication to other outlets (YouTube, G+, Facebook, etc.) as well as publishing here. The other thing we can do is to start making use of as a place to post “Staff Picks” blog posts, which I’d like to kick off soon. Any volunteers to go first? Let me know in the comments.

Helping WordCamps directly

We discussed how a large number of videos never make it to One big pain point is the difficulty in getting good videos (clear picture, sound, etc.) that are publishable. We reject a lot of videos over issues of quality; one way we can help with this is to get better documentation in place for WordCamp organizers—who are not video expert necessarily—to help them to take better quality video.

On the other side, one reason we never see video submissions in the first place is that it is hard for WordCamp organizers to find the necessary time and resources to do post-production. Sadly many videos end up in this graveyard, and as mods we never see them, but one way we can help is by actually doing the post-production centrally (powered by fearless mods) to take this off organizers hands.

The dream scenario here would be to have video uploaded to the same day as the event, have mods perform simple edits like trim the ends, add titles, etc. Once that is done, we could publish them right away, instead of months later (or not at all) as happens currently.

Get involved!

If you have a passion for docs, a background in video, experience in videoing meetups/camps, or can recommend a friend, speak up! We are moving forward on docs and post-processing support, and would love your help.

Phew, that was quite a recap. Again, thanks to everyone that made is (plus anyone who was there in spirit) and I will see you in the queues!

#docs, #hangouts, #i18n, #post-processing, #recap

Monthly ModSquad hangout, the first

Howdy mods, as a reminder we well be having our first ever monthly mod squad hangout in IRC (#wordpress-getinvolved on freenode) on Friday July 11th at 9am PDT.

I see this as a great chance to just hang out and chat, but I also wanted to bring up the following as a mini-agenda:

  • What to do about non-English videos
  • Helping WordCamps to take better video
  • Post-processing support
  • Curating the best videos (for syndication elsewhere?)

if you have anything to add, please add it in the comments, and if you are able to make it, please show up! 🙂

Pinging pingPing The act of sending a very small amount of data to an end point. Ping is used in computer science to illicit a response from a target server to test it’s connection. Ping is also a term used by Slack users to @ someone or send them a direct message (DM). Users might say something along the lines of “Ping me when the meeting starts.” pings:
@myroseapple @johnparkinson @philerb @brashrebel, @squarepixel


Hey Mod Squad, wanna hang out?

Howdy y’all, I know that we can sometimes be like ships crossing in the night when we mod videos, and aside from the odd P2P2 “P2” is the name of the theme the blogs of use. When asked to post or view something “on the p2” by a member of the WPTV team, that usually means you’re asked to check post, and videos moving in and out of the queue, it’s hard to tell that you are not working alone.

With that in mind, I wanted to ask how you feel about having a semi-regular IRC hangout to, you know, hang out. What do you say? Does this sound like a good idea? Let’s get something on the calendar! 🙂

@brashrebel, @squarepixel, @myroseapple, @johnparkinson, @natedriver
