Embracing YouTube – Meeting 1

Today we had our first meeting, a brainstorming on where to start to use YouTube in a more effective way for Contribution and Viewing.

Present: @casiepa, @davidperez, @lorenzof, @pablo-moratinos, @sabernhardt

@casiepa started by explaining some (current) constraints in this short presentation.

The team then discussed the following items:

  • Keep 1 form for upload but add an indication if the video is finished or still needs editing
    • If finished, direct upload to YouTube
    • If not finished, upload to AWS (or WPTV), add links on how to edit videos and indicate timing issue
  • How to deal with a public form and upload to YouTube, can this be done?
  • YouTube accepts almost any file format of any size. After transcoding an mp4 file could be downloaded and stored on WPTV as archive
  • Our current WPTV should show the ‘local’ video in VideoPress only if there is no video on YouTube.
  • Most of the metadata still need to be stored on WPTV as YouTube cannot handle those.
  • Proposal is to have all videos starting 1-Jan-2018 on YouTube
  • Categories for e.g. languages, speakers, year should be reflected in YouTube

Items of attention:

  • Hashtags are public, what if some other videos, not WP related, also use e.g. #SEO?
  • How to deal with comments on WPTV and YouTube? Synchronisation from YT to WPTV? iframeiframe iFrame is an acronym for an inline frame. An iFrame is used inside a webpage to load another HTML document and render it. This HTML document may also contain JavaScript and/or CSS which is loaded at the time when iframe tag is parsed by the user’s browser.?
  • YouTube CC license is not ShareAlike

Suggested actions:

  1. Start adapting the language codes on WPTV
  2. Adapt WPTV videos to have a metaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress. tag with the YouTube unique ID
  3. Talk to Google/WPTV team about the public form and upload
  4. Talk to WPTV team about the YouTube CC license (CC and not CC-SA)

Next meeting in some weeks, date/time to be agreed on #wptv
