Community Interview Series

I wanted to let the team know how everything is going with the WordPress Community Interview Series since we are starting a new year.

There have been 35 interviews published since the first 2 on June 16th, 2016. The first few weeks, I was trying to publish 2 interviews per week but it was recommended that I cut back to 1 per week. I quickly agreed because it was very evident that it was going to be difficult to keep that schedule up.

I have been able to have 2 or 3 interviews scheduled in advance and at least 1 video interview in reserve in case anything unexpected happens. For the most part the selection for people to be interviewed has been random. I take a look at recent WordCamps, speakers or organizers, Twitter comments, etc. It has worked fairly well.

One thing that I want to mention, 2 of the published videos were actually a compilation of short Skype calls that I did during Global WordPress Translation Day 2 on November 12th.

Of the 35 interviews, 18 are non US. The map below shows the locations.

As far as my setup, it is very simple and easy to use. I use a MacBook Air with either a Audio Technica AR 2100 or a Blue Snowball. Also, I use earbuds to reduce speaker noise back into the mic. I use the Ecamm application with Skype to record the calls.

For processing the videos I use Screenflow. This app is not very expensive and fairly easy to use. I had a voiceover done using Fiverr which has worked out great. I can insert text, lower thirds, effects, etc.

The Skype calls ‘usually’ last about 15 minutes or so. We talk for a few minutes before I do an introduction just so I get over some nervousness. I am trying to concentrate on cutting out the ummms and ahhhs. The average length is about 10 minutes, although a few have gone almost 20 minutes.

I try to follow a loose format of an introduction, talk about WordCamps, the WordPress Community, anything special the guest might be involved in and then wrap up. This has worked well so far.

That is pretty much it. If anybody has suggestions, please feel free to comment!