WPTV Team Chat Notes: 6/30/2016

We met last Thursday to discuss the state of WPTV for another week. Here is what we talked about:

Incoming WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. videos – What is our current status, what are we expecting soon

WCEU and WC Antwerp are uploading to AWS.

Post Production/Publishing – What videos do we have that need post production work. Are there pending videos in WPTV that need out help in publishing? How can the team help?

Will have WC Asheville for post soon. WC Antwerp is trimmed but does not have intro/outro

Outreach – Camps we’ve heard from, camps we may want to reach out to

Camps for the month of July have been contacted

WPTV Blog – What have we posted recently, what are we planning to post*

@johnparkinson in publishing another interview post on Friday continuing a twice-monthly schedule

Subtitling/captioning – do we have new captions to approve this week? New videos that can be captioned?

This is a new weekly agenda item. Lots of interest post WCEU, which is great to see. @casiepa mentioned he is willing to work on a script to convert Youtube caption formats to work with WordPress.tv, and also @extraboy brought it up with the community team while at WCEU.

Starting out, we will ask captioners (captioneers?) to try and complete captions/subs for two videos this week, and report back about how that went, working toward making this a weekly update on the things we are adding captions to. If you only have time to work on captioning one video a week, even a short one, is fine too. Any help would be great!

Full transcript of the meeting here: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/wptv/p1467306089000639

Want to join our meeting next week? See the blue box at the top of the page to see when our next meeting is!
