YouTube Proposal

Use YouTube as the main video point for uploading, modding, editing and subtitling.

Have all WordCamps upload edited video directly to the YouTube channel (not WordPress.TV)

“Submit” page or even direct uploads to the Media Library will not be necessary.
No more files size limitation for videos
No added expense of transcoding videos on AWS to reduce file size
Easier user friendly upload page.
Can be connected to Twitter account.
Easy access worldwide.
Mobile ready.
Subtitling built in.
Much more flexibility in who can be a mod since they will not need access to .com

Camp video coordinator uploads all edited videos to YouTube channel in “private” mode.
Moderator (Manager) then mods the videos as per guideline already established.
Moderator (Manager) edits the videos (with the YouTube editor) correcting or deleting any problem issues like logos, language, sound etc.
Moderator (Manager) approves video, places in a”playlist” and makes the video “public”.
Video uploaded to from YouTube (may be able to make this automatic easier than the reverse)

Upload page for camp video coordinator to use.

Develop the “upload sample code” for use by video coordinator to upload camp videos.

I can get this code to work on my localhost environment but have not tried it on a website yet.
Ignore the indicator in the middle that was me not min the recorder.

Unedited videos will still need to be handled by the AWS S3 account and edited as before.
The editor can then submit the completed video to YouTube.
