WPTV Team Meeting Recap 2/4

We met in SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/. today in the #wptv channel to discuss the following:

  • Our YouTube Channel now has enough followers to get a private URLURL A specific web address of a website or web page on the Internet, such as a website’s URL www.wordpress.org. We just need to be active for 30 days and we qualify.
  • For videos we upload there, we decided on using the same “Speaker Name: Title of Talk” format for video titles that we currently use on WPTV. This will also make automating easier in the future, as we can pull the title from published posts
  • Captioning/subtitling – we decided that this activity really “belongs” under the WPTV umbrella, and with that in mind we will work to include it in our upcoming contributor drive at the end of the month.
  • We had some discussion about how YT might help with those efforts, as it provides some auto-captioning. Not perfect but may be a good head start nonetheless. Needs some testing to see if it will actually help yet or not.
  • Badges – at the moment we don’t have contributor badges for WPTV on dotorg profile pages. But we do have the ability to add them manually. @jerrysarcastic will round up a list of current contributors, and in the future we will need to be more mindful of adding new contributors.

Full transcript here in the Archives. Please join us next week in the #wptv Slack channel (Thursdays at 17:00 UTC) if you want to help out!


#recap, #team-chat