Welcome new moderators in training @lorenzocaum and @metodiew…

Welcome new moderators-in-training @lorenzocaum and @metodiew! Lorenzo applied to be a moderator way back when we had a slow period with videos being submitted, and Stanko applied recently to help us moderate the videos from WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Sofia, as he speaks Bulgarian.

Guys, please review the >Video Moderator Manual and then watch @myroseapple‘s great instructional video.

Have @meaganhanes and @adavis3105 reviewed enough videos to understand the process and be allowed to publish videos without someone looking over their shoulders? If so, perhaps their trainers – @myroseapple and @philerb – can take care of training Lorenzo and Stanko?

Also, have we had any luck finding a trainer for @pr0v4? @ericmann @theadityajain @andrewmorris @maharzan, do any of you have time to help train some new mods?

#new-moderators, #training