Nomination for 2025 Training Team Reps

In the WordPress open-source project, each team has Team Representatives, abbreviated as Reps. It’s time again to nominate the next round of Training Team Reps. (For a quick refresher of Team RepTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. roles across the WordPress project, see the Team Reps post on Team Updates.)

Summary: The team is looking for two more people to join @digitalchild in the Training Team Rep role next year.

The Role

Training Team Reps serve for approximately 2 consecutive years, using the first year to get familiar and the second to train the incoming reps. You can read more about the Training Team Rep’s role in the team handbook.

Details of 2025’s openings

The Training Team strives to have three team representatives at a time in order to ensure redundancy and diverse opinions in leadership. This year, @piyopiyofox and @kaitohm conclude their two year terms and will be stepping down from the role. @lada7042 is also stepping down due to personal reasons.

@digitalchild stepped in as Interim Team rep in June this year and has successfully co-led the the team during the temporary absence of other reps. For continuity’s sake, we’ve asked Jamie to continue on as team rep into 2025 and he has happily accepted! Thank you for being available to serve the team for another year, Jamie.

Therefore, the team is looking for two more people to join Jamie in the Training Team Rep role next year.

Timeline for Training Team Rep Selection

We will follow the process documented in the team handbook.

Step 1: Call for Nominations

Anyone can nominate a Training Team Rep. Self-nominations are welcome, too! To nominate someone or yourself, please comment on this post. If you would like to nominate someone in private, please reach out to @kaitohm or @digitalchild.

  • Nomination Opens: October 4, 2024
  • Nomination Closes: October 25, 2024

Team reps will confirm each person nominated meets the vetting criteria at our weekly meeting on October 29th. They’ll then reach out to those nominated to confirm if they would like to accept the nomination. Only those who accept their nomination will be added to the poll, so feel free to decline a nomination if you don’t feel like this is the right fit for any reason.

Step 2: Vote for Team Reps

If there are more than 2 nominees who accept nomination, we will organize a poll to select the Team Reps.

Training team members can vote to select new Team Reps. 

  • Voting Opens: November 5, 2024
  • Voting Closes: November 25, 2024

Step 3: Announce Team Reps

New Team reps will be announced on November 26 28, 2023. 

Step 4: Onboard/Off-board Team Reps

New Team Reps will be onboarded during December, including 1-2 synchronous calls. This will allow the new team of reps to decide on new weekly meeting times before the year is out and get set up for success in 2025. Out-going Team Reps will be off-boarded during December also.

Time to Nominate!

Are you ready? It’s time to nominate folks to serve as our Training Team Reps for the new term! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments.

Thank you, @digitalchild, for reviewing this post.

#nominations, #training-team

Nomination for 2024 Training Team Reps

In the WordPress open-source project, each team has team representatives, abbreviated as reps. It’s time again to nominate the next round of Training Team Reps. (For a quick refresher of Team RepTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. roles across the WordPress project, see the Team Reps post on Team Updates.)

The Role

Historically, with the Training team, the team rep duration was around two years, and we had three reps at the time. They represent the team, collaborate with other teams, raise, manage, and address any issues. The time commitment in the role has averaged two to five hours per week.

The Training team has recently updated its documentation, clarifying the team rep role’s responsibilities. Please take a moment to read the handbook page “Team Rep (Representative).”

Clarifications to the Training Team’s Reps Structure

The mechanics of Team Reps vary from team to team. Each team will choose a selection process, the number of years of service, etc., that best serves the team’s needs.

In the handbook updates, this year’s Team Reps ( Benjamin Evans, Destiny Kanno, and Pooja Derashri ) clarified the following points regarding the team rep role. These were things the team had been doing for a while but weren’t well documented:

  1. The team strives to have 3 team reps representing diversity, as evaluated through the Team Values.
  2. Team Reps generally serve for 2 consecutive years, using the first year to get familiar and the second to train the incoming rep(s).

We also clarified with the Training Team Faculty members that with this 2 year guideline, Benjamin Evans and Destiny Kanno will automatically stay on as Team Reps for 2024.

Timeline for Training Team Rep Selection

We will follow the process documented in the team handbook.

Step 1: Call for Nominations

Anyone can nominate a Training team rep! Self-nominations are welcome, too. To nominate someone or yourself, please comment on this post. If you would like to nominate someone in private, please reach out to @webtechpooja, @bsanevans, or @piyopiyofox.

Note that this is Pooja’s second year in the role, and is not eligible for reelection next year. Since Benjamin Evans and Destiny Kanno will be staying on to complete their second year and onboard the newest Training Team Representative, only one Team Rep spot will be filled for 2024.

  • Nomination Opens: 23 October 2023
  • Nomination Closes: 14 November 2023

Team reps will confirm each person nominated meets the vetting criteria at our weekly meeting on November 16th. They’ll then reach out to those nominated to confirm if they would like to accept the nomination. Only those who accept their nomination will be added to the poll, so feel free to decline a nomination if you don’t feel like this is the right fit for any reason.

Step 2: Vote for Team Reps

If there is more than 1 nomination, we will organize a poll to select the Team Reps.

Training team members can vote to select new Team Reps. 

  • Voting Opens: 17 November 2023
  • Voting Closes: 6 December 2023

Step 3: Announce Team Reps

New Team reps will be announced on December 8, 2023. 

Time to Nominate!

Are you ready? It’s time to nominate folks to serve as our Test Team Reps for the new term! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments.

Thank you, @bsanevans and @piyopiyofox, for reviewing this post.

Note: Comments are closed now.

#nominations, #training-team

Vote for Training Team Rep 2023

On Friday, December 9, we noticed the Team RepTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. poll was not receiving new vote submissions. We have reset the poll (erasing previous results) and the timeline for voting. If you previously submitted, please resubmit only once.

The WordPress Training Team Rep nomination was closed on December 2, 2022. We got some great names nominated to be the next Training Team reps to replace the outgoing team reps @courane01, @azhiyadev, and @webtechpooja.

Once the nomination has been closed, we contacted all nominees and accepted nominations of those who responded positively.


A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, makes sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. The following Training team members are nominated for 2023.

AMIT PATEL –  (India – Southern APAC)


BENJAMIN EVANS – (Japan – Eastern APAC)


CARLOS – (US West Coast)


COURTNEY. P.K –  (O’ahu Central Pacific)




DESTINY KANNO – (Japan – Eastern APAC)


POOJA DERASHRI –  (India – Southern APAC)



Training team members are requested to vote to select two Training team reps by online poll in the following link:

Click here to Vote

The voting is open until 19th December 2022.


Once voting is concluded, we will announce the result on December 20, 2022, in our weekly Team Meeting.


#nominations, #team-reps

Nomination for Training Team Reps 2023

This post kicks off the call for Training team reps. See also: Team Rep Nominations, 2022

The Role

Each team has one or more representatives (reps). Team reps are responsible for communicating on behalf of their team to other contributor teams. They represent the team, collaborate with other teams, raise, manage and address any issues. This role averages two to five hours per week in team organizational duties.

In the WordPress open sourceOpen Source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL. project, each team has on average one or two representatives, abbreviated as reps. Some teams have more than two.

Historically with the Training team, the team repTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. duration was around two years, though some reps stuck around longer if there was a particularly good fit.

Anyone who serves as a “team rep” is responsible for communicating on behalf of the Training team to the other contributor groups via weekly updates, as well as occasional cross-team chats.  Reps are also consulted on Contributor DayContributor Day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus., helping find someone within the Training team attending an event who can help lead a Training table.  Full details on the Team Rep role is on the Team Update site.

It is not called “team lead” for a reason.  It’s an administrative role. While people elected as team reps will generally come from the pool of folks that people think of as experienced leaders, remember that the team rep role is designed to change hands regularly..

Here are the main tasks:

  • Publish an update on, suggested as a weekly post
    • X-post to Support, Marketing, and Community teams at the end of each sprint (when new content is on LearnWP)
  • Draft the weekly agenda, including reviewing the happenings in SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at over the past week.
    • Nice to have: welcome new channel members during team meeting
  • Conduct weekly Slack meetings
  • Recruit contributors to facilitate portions of the meeting
  • Recruit contributors for meeting recap notetaking
  • Review drafts of recap notes
  • Assist in drafting a post for any Contributor Days

The Election Process

We will follow the same process as other teams, dates may differ slightly.


Nominations are now open and remain open until December 2, 2022, at 12:00 UTC. Please add your nominations as a comment on this post. You can nominate yourself or someone else if you think they are a great fit.


We will review the nominations at our team meeting on December 6, 2022. If there are more than 3 nominations, we will organize a poll to select the Team Reps.

If we need to have a poll, this will be open until December 19, 2022 at 12:00 UTC .


We will announce the results at the next team meeting on December 6, 2022. If there are more than 3 nominations, we will announce the results at the December 20, 2022 team meeting.

If you have any questions, please ask in the comments!

#nominations, #training-team

Nominations for Training Team Reps 2022

This post kicks off the call for Training team reps.

The Role

Each team has one or more representatives (reps). Team reps are responsible for communicating on behalf of their team to other contributor teams. They represent the team, collaborate with other teams, raise, manage and address any issues. This role averages two to five hours per week in team organizational duties.

The Election Process

We will follow the same process as other teams, dates may differ slightly.


Nominations will open on November 3, 2021 at 12:00 UTC and will remain open until November 17, 2021 at 12:00 UTC. Please add your nominations as a comment on this post. You can nominate yourself or someone else if you think they are a great fit.


We will review the nominations at our team meeting on November 23, 2021. If there are more than 3 nominations, we will organize a poll to select the Team Reps.

If we need to have a poll, this will be open until 10 December 10, 2021 at 12:00 UTC. This takes into account the US Thanksgiving holiday.


We will announce the results at the next team meeting on November 23, 2021. If there are more than 3 nominations, we will announce the results at the December 14, 2021 team meeting.

If you have any questions, please ask in the comments!

#nominations, #training-team