Recap for Training Team Meeting October 26, 2021

Slack Log (Requires SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at login to view. Set one up if you don’t have a Slack account.)

The agenda for the meeting can be found here.

Introductions and Welcome

In attendance: @rkohilakis @arasae @courane01 @azhiyadev @alexstine @onealtr @tantienhime

Welcoming the newcomers joining the team (Slack usernames): @thomassausen @Reetu @Gianluca Barranca @Amanda McElvain @Yeasin Arafat @Devin Maeztri


  1. Welcome and Help Scout Wranglers – we are still looking for team members interested in managing account access to Learn/Training team sites, and answering any questions for new people. This could also include helping new team members draft meeting recaps, pointing them to specific content in the handbook, and more. Interested? Let us know!
  2. Meeting Note Takers@kemmy99 volunteered this week to write the recap post. This can be done during meeting or within a day or so after meetings are concluded. We are still seeking additional volunteers, and perhaps we would like to build a regular rotation of folks willing to do this task. It’s a great way to get started and contribute to the team.
  3. A Dedicated Volunteer Program for the Training Team – This could use additional comments. This would be similar to the deputies in #community-team but with roles and tasks specific to the Training team needs. @arasae likes the idea of a rotation. People can learn what to expect before they do it for the first time.
  4. Meeting Time Changes – If you haven’t voted, please do this now. @azhiyadev will share the results before the end of the meeting.
  5. Contributor Days –with WP Engine. In conjunction with WP Engine, the Training will host an onboarding session for contributors interested in working on The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. WP Engine will host this from 8 am PDT on October 29 to 8 am PDT on October 31. This is an open opportunity for ALL contributors, not specific to this organization. All are welcome to come and learn how to get started creating content on LearnWP. If you would like to help promote the event reshare the following:
  6. Documentation for faculty program with Automattic – the week of November 8, @hughlashbrooke, @arasae, @rkohilakis, @west7, and more will be working on handbook documentation for all the workflows and processes our team goes through for all the content on Learn. If you are interested, comment in #training on Slack.  More details to come soon on when these folks will be working on this.
  7. Comments needed on GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. about Workshops


Monthly team retrospective and a look ahead at the November Sprint

For those of you that are new here, we are using the Sprint methodology to track our work on a monthly basis.


Learn Content – 9 video workshops completed this month.

  1. Managing Spam on Your Website
  2. Best Practices for Capturing Images
  3. Customer Taglines
  4. How to Create a Post or Page with the WordPress Block Editor
  5. Managing Settings: Writing
  6. How to Submit a Workshop
  7. Using the Block Widget Editor 
  8. Managing Settings: Reading
  9. How to Submit a Lesson Plan

Learn Maintenance – 11 issues closed on GitHub most notably:

Thank you to everyone who has worked on these tickets.

October Retrospective

  1. What went well?
  2. What could we improve?
  3. What will we do to differently?



  1. I’m glad that I broke up my Settings workshop into smaller chunks.  It will make it easier for learners looking for a specific piece of how to use settings and allowed me to make it more scenario based.
  2. Now that I’m getting the hang of my new job, contributing to the training team, and making workshops – I want to make sure the content I am contributing is super relevant to what is going on with the rest of the WordPress world 


I really appreciate the amount of thoughtful work that is going into everything. Looking at the list of accomplishments makes me feel so proud of ya’ll. Let’s keep that going!

  1. As I work on my own course + the “how to make a course”, I want to figure out a better way to break it down that makes it more manageable and chunked.
  2. Still working on the “how” as far as manageable and chunked.


  1. Well: Videos in my personal backlog published
  2. Improve: I am setting aside content creation time as a separate contribution on my own calendar that is not to be interrupted by other ways I contribute and sticking to it. Basically, having times I do behind the scenes whatever stuff vs content creation time.
  3. Differently: hm, thinking about that still.


  1. The idea to convert existing lesson plans into video workshops has resulted in more content being produced. I’m looking forward to seeing all our Lesson plans (where possible) have a corresponding video workshop. The engagement that we’ve had with Yoast and GoDaddy Contributor days – I want to see more of these.
  2. I think we still need to work on our onboarding process and I’m so happy that we’ve got the videos on creating a lesson plan and video workshop.
  3. Getting a better handle of the activity on GitHub, I need dedicate time to this. Remove the unnecessary sections in our Sprint where there is no activity so that it is easier to read.

November Sprint

Here’s a preview link (as it is not yet posted). If you want us to remove something, please let the team know.

You may notice that we’ve listed a number of Lesson Plans under “Audit”. The majority of these are branded content,  that could be published. There is a number that needs to be vetted to ensure they meet our brand guidelines and have been given the go-ahead by the company.

There are at least 3 lesson plans that could potentially be published and may only require a few updates:

  1. Coding Best Practice
  2. Introduction to Common Plugins
  3. Building a Sitemap for a Site

If you are interested in working on these, please us know The November Sprint is set to be published on November 1, 2021. There is time to add or remove items.

  • @arasae is going to work on video workshops for:
    • Video Workshops:
      • Migrate, Copy, or Clone a Site
      • Adding Demo Content
      • Keeping WP Websites Secure
    • Lesson Plans
      • QueryLoops which can then be turned into a video workshop
    • Courses
  • @roxy is going to work on a Full Site Editing course for Users
  • @Courtney will be helping to create lesson plans as well

Open Discussion

@rkohilakis asked about threading in meetings as the #acessiblity team avoids this. @alexstine that it was more of a visual thing. Some people may have trouble visually identifying if a message contains a thread. The team decided to keep attendance organized in a thread and aim not to thread other things.

Results of Team Meeting Time Changes Poll

  1. EMEA and Amercias will meet at 5PM UTC.
  2. @hughlashbrook will announce the APAC meeting time.

#learn-wordpress, #training-team

Recap for Training Team meeting June 22, 2021

Slack Log  (Requires SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at login to view. Set one up if you don’t have a Slack account.)

The agenda for the meeting can be found here

1) Intro / Welcome

Attendance: @azhiyadev, @courane01, @paaljoachim, @evarlese, @Weblink, @peteringersoll, @webtechpooja, @onealtr


How to earn badges?

In general we are following the Team Profile Badges Handbook

We are trying to make sure that this aligns with Lean WordPress Contributor Ladder 

Badges are given to the following @lmurillom @oglekler @webcommsat @meher @nalininonstopnewsuk @evarlese @matteospi

2) News

1) Onboarding and roles and the flow from the contact form.

@azhiyadev has done amazing work combined with @andreamiddleton and @evarlese on tracking down all the team roles. It’s live in the handbook

#marketing does a great job at having quick start contribution opportunities, and it definitely is something the team here needs too

This would be part of Team Welcome Wrangler. We do automatically greet new folks with a series of links already set up by @webtechpooja a few months ago. 

In the welcome message, we need to add some brief and simple tasks for new contributors to help them get connected, and a greeter to provide access as needed.

@courane01 mentioned that if anyone has suggestions, or see another role that you’d especially like to help with, please do let us know in this slack thread.

Learn is a fantastic opportunity to contribute, and we’re seeing an uptick in contributors as well. 

High priorities & Incoming support

@courane01 met with @hlashbrooke 2 days ago for a few updates.  We know we have a few instructional designers coming aboard sponsored by Automattic. I think this is fantastic news. He had asked for a list of high priorities.

In no particular order, @azhiyadev and @courane01 recapped areas the team has needed help with for some years.

  1. Audit tool – starting to collaborate with the Docs team now around this for their needs as well. 
  2. Slides
  3. UXUX UX is an acronym for User Experience - the way the user uses the UI. Think ‘what they are doing’ and less about how they do it. feedback (a consulting company will be doing an audit)
  4. standards for course videos – quality of recording etc,  Marketing has great input on this informally, but we can request more.
  5. documentation around how we partner with subject matter experts. 
  6. getting to know the training team and its history, alongside how an open sourceOpen Source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL. project works and remains transparent
  7. Brand guideline wording on Learn
  8. COPPA guidelines

Detail brief of the above points:

Docs and Training teams both have a lot of content to audit when WP ships an update.  Nuances like the blockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. toolbar has changed can mean redoing screenshots, content in articles across DevHub, HelpHub, Docs, Learn.

By coordinating with Docs on their workflow, we can then submit a more official feature request to #meta around what tools inside all those sites can help those that look for content that needs to be updated, as well as those that may only contribute for a to Contributor DayContributor Day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus. once to have a meaningful experience.

Slides: as we look to soon have video courses on Learn, we’re thinking ahead about the ease for multiple people to maintain the content. Does one slide need to be revised and a video re-recorded?  Well – organizing that workflow becomes really important.

@meher is here and very often a #marketing team contributor.  Noting that I recall the marketing team having a lot of valuable input around the production quality. I’d like to organize some of the standards for audio/video recording quality.

Brand guidelines go back to last week, and well – the start of the team even.  We will be able to mention names of plugins/themes/blocks/etc. that are not part of CoreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress.. But we need to document for contributors making content how to suggest these and appropriate ways to mention multiple options (say a contact form on a contact page).

Hugh was agreeable about reaching out to a few of the brands we may mention for some proofreading, and gaining some WP ecosystem support around this.

COPPA is a USA centric thing, but the idea is also global.  We have a KidsCamp program. However, to have any content that is directly aimed at youth, there are standards and guidelines that many different governments have. We need some protection if we have any content directly planned for youth learning WordPress.

3) June Sprint

@azhiyadev mentioned that the Sprint method is used to determine what we are working on and to determine our timeframe for delivery.

You will find what we are working on for the month of June here.

Lesson plans are ready to be drafted: (These need to incorporate the lesson plan template, and bump the content into the lesson plan walkthrough)

  1. Setting up a local WordPress Development Environment for Core
  2. Testing a Trac ticket or a Github PR
  3. Trial run on a lesson plan and workshop about overcoming Imposter Syndrom by @lepittenger as part of Web Dev Studios 5FTF to be included in the speaker series.
  4. How to Configure WordPress installation for Contributor and Developer Testing – @paaljoachim and @sarmstead (needs team review)  Trello Card 

@paaljoachim will do a walk through of point 4, and see if there is anything additional that needs to be there.

If anyone wants to pick up points 1 and 2 1 and 2 then just let @azhiyadev or @courane01 know.

Lesson plans ready to be drafted:

  1. Use browser dev tools to anonymized info
  2. What other teams have found
  3. How to create a blog post in WordPress 5.x (@geheren has volunteered to work on this)
  4. Using a browser inspector (@woodnet has volunteered to work on this)
  5. What to do when you forget your password (@webtechpooja has volunteered to work on this)

If anyone wants to work on 1 and 2, please let @azhiyadev or @courane01 know.

If we have forgotten to assign you to a plan then please let @azhiyadev or @courane01 know. It’s been a bit of a hectic week so some stuff might have slipped through the cracks.

On that note, @azhiyadev knows people have a lot going on so please let @azhiyadev and @courane01 know if you are struggling. We don’t want anyone to burn out and we want to support you as much as we can.

June Sprint 

We also have some functionality goals for Learn

  • the slides pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party (as previously mentioned by Courtney)
  • style printer friendly stylesheet for transcripts and lesson plans
  • audit tool (as previously mentioned by Courtney)

@courane01 thinks some of the stakeholder part is organically happening since we listed it in the Sprint. But I do think as things begin to happen more, we can make official meeting times, workflows, etc. to partner across teams better.

@azhiyadev This has been on the agenda for a long time and. We want a planning meeting for cross-team collaboration on the goals on Learn (functionality and content). We are collaborating with #docs, #marketing #accessibility, #polyglots and #community-team but nothing formal has been agreed.

Upcoming meetings

#community-team, #marketing, #training

Recap for Training Team Meeting on December 8, 2020

Slack Log  (Requires SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at login to view. Set one up if you don’t have a Slack account)

Attendance: @courane01, @onealtr, @geheren, @oglekler, @webcommsat, @meher, @nalininonstopnewsuk, @rastaban

Meeting led by: @onealtr

Upcoming team meetings

Friday 11 December 2020 at 11:00 UTC

Tuesday 15 December 2020 at 17:00 UTC

Introduction and Welcome 

  • Welcome to new Contributor Hetvi Patel

Congrats and Thanks

For anyone new, we want to acknowledge contributions made to the team so please fill out our contact form, if you haven’t already done so. It will also help us provide you with access to various Training team accounts.

What we are working on now

We are currently working on these last steps before launching on December 15!

  • @courane01 said we are nearly done with tasks for launch!
  • One of the last big projects is a “partial landing page” so when someone visits the Lessons Plans page, things are laid out a bit better and more organized. @evarlese has been working on this. Currently, they are digging back to one of our design team collaborators who originally worked on the InVision layout @courane01 shared last Friday to get parts of this working.
  • @courane01 said there are still 2 lesson plans that need to be written:
    • Creating/joining Slack, orientation to channels and etiquette. @geheren took this on. @webcommsat can help review when done.
    • Joining Get Involved Teams – See Contributor Day Handbook. No one took this task to @courane01 is doing for now (but she has a lot going on for launch, if someone has time to take on).

@courane01 gave a shout-out to the #marketing team for coordinating with the #training and #community teams on the launch! They would like feedback:

  • Suggestions for the channels for external outreach and promotion. Where do you or those you know get their news about WordPress?
    • They could also really use non-English news sources in the outreach effort.
    • There is a link in Slack to a Google Doc to share ideas.
  • Marketing is also seeking quotes on how people use the Learn website and why contributing to Learn and Training is fun, and how you can encourage others.
  • @webcommsat also asked for volunteers to help with social sharing graphics

To celebrate the launch, @webcommsat announced that we will be golding a virtual get together on Wednesday 16 December from 1 pm to 1:45pm UTC.

  • There is a link to the Eventbrite on Slack.
  • Bring your party drinks, snacks and fancy backgrounds. This will be a cross-team event
  • If there are too many people, @webcommsat said we will plan a second event. Limited to Zoom’s numbers.
  • They will also be sharing graphics and social media items, plus a fun quiz.
  • One thing: @webcommsat asks that we check with everyone before photos are taken and shared on social media to be respectful to where people may be joining us from. We will take official photos, so make sure your Zoom name if it includes your email address, etc.
  • They are trying to organize a big virtual cake too, so reach out to @meher if you can participate.
  • Down the line, there will be a 6-month party too!


  • @courane01 spent the last week working on cross-team communication. She followed up with @jessecowens and @sippis on slides and screenshots for #marketing. Her only blockers are time. By Friday, she will have any of our screenshots from herself and the team ready for #Marketing. She will also be working on the Get Involved lesson plan (see above), unless anyone else can take on.
  • @onealtr committed to learn last week on how to facilitate the meetings and was taught by @courane01. He led today’s meeting and it went great!
  • I (@geheren) took last week off after my “mini sprint” the week before. I went back to work after a week+ of vacation and needed to catch up. This week I will be working on this recap and the Slack lesson plan.

Action items

@courane01 shared where comments are needed:


Recap for Training Team Meeting December 4, 2020

Slack Log  (Requires SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at login to view. Set one up if you don’t have a Slack account)

Attendance: @azhiyadev, @webtechpooja, @evarlese, @courane01, @webcommsat, @nalininonstopnewsuk, @chetan200891, @sippis, @oglekler, @chaion07, @meher, @onealtr

Meeting led by @courane01

Upcoming team meetings

Tuesday 8 December 2020 at 17:00 UTC

Fridays 11 December 2020 at 11:00 UTC

Introduction and Welcome

Congrats and Thanks

For anyone new, we want to acknowledge contributions made to the team so please fill out our contact form, if you haven’t already done so. It will also help us provide you with access to various Training team accounts.

What we are working on now

We are currently working on these last steps before launching

  • @rastaban joined Training on Tuesday and cleaned up one of those complex code lesson plans “The Loop
  • @rastaban and @webtechpooja both encountered the pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party that presents code in lesson plans have a bug with closing PHPPHP PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. snippets in particular. A bug report has been filed and hopefully can be resolved soon.

There has been a lot of progress on the other high priority items:

We have a release date of December 15, 2020, for Learn. This was a group decision with #marketing and #community-team to give WP5.6 and Learn some space in the communication and press. Thank you to #marketing for the thoughtfulness and work put into the release comms for Learn.

  • The launch for Learn will also include a social media pack. If you have any networks that you think would be useful in promoting Learn WordPress for launch and during the 3-month campaign, please let #marketing know.
  • #marketing would also welcome your input into a collaboration they shared in marketing this week. You can find it at
  • #marketing is collating a list of external promotional opportunities and scheduling these for both maximum promotion and to help ensure the material that is being shared is consistent and up-to-date. It allows them to keep up the momentum and include calls to action and calls for volunteers as needed. If you think you can help with this then please get please tag abahanonstopnewsuk in the #marketing slack channel
  • #marketing will share how you can be involved with the Learn WordPress launch closer to December 15, 2020.
  • #marketing also has internal fun plans to celebrate the Learn WordPress launch. If you would love to get involved, let them know. @webcommsat promises cake (virtual of course :-)).

One of our last steps on launch is coordinating wth #meta for some visual organization.

  • @coreymckrill has been working with the Training team to help with the flow and functionality of the site.
  • @dufresnesteven provided the work done roughing in Jan/Feb this winter. The team at the time envisioned an MVPMinimum Viable Product "A minimum viable product (MVP) is a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers, and to provide feedback for future product development." - WikiPedia including much of what is shown on the visual organization. Note, this is a 14-page file. If @chetan200891 or @jessecowens can point to any comments that happened around reaching this point, it’d be appreciated.
  • Before launch, we’d like at least a small portion of that organization to be present. Giving new visitors a bit of visual organization and flow through the site will help. @evarlese and @courane01 have been providing input into this. If anyone wants to contribute to the conversation, then @courane01 will be available in the Training slack from 17:00 UTC today. You can comment asynchronously.

In terms of what is left before launch, that the team can do, it would be nice to have the following lesson plans created:

  1. Joining the Making WP Slack
    1. The following content might be useful*Start%20Here%20-%20General%20Guides/
  2. Joining Get Involved teams
    1. This will need to link to the Contributor Handbook on WordPress/GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. as well as the links to the onboarding videos from Make WP slack.

There is a reusable blockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. in Learn lesson plans with our template. We ask that you do not hit publish, as we do have a revision process before taking lessons live.


@courane01 committed to and completed cross-team efforts, monitoring what’s left to be done, onboarding new contributors as well as helping to onboard @onealtr to facilitate the Tuesday meetings in the near future.

@evarlese helped with the sprints and subsequently worked on updating/finishing content in lesson plans.

Would others like to assist with those lesson plans OR visual organization? Feedback on initial flow and help sorting the material is greatly appreciated. We can loosely organize that here in the channel or @courane01 can organize a blog post with approximate timeframes. We’d love to see the team share in the stand-ups in an ongoing manner. After launch, we will revisit internal documentation/procedures, our forms and more.

Open announcements/discussion

Please comment on the proposal to move the Learn Working Group to Training to better organize and unify the work of Learn.

As part of the progression, @evarlese has published the collective thoughts of those noted in the footer on Learn WordPress: Blue sky thinking. This is a brainstorm type document on where Learn can go, with a 3-year vision roughly presented. Please leave your feedback.

If you have any additional ideas/suggestion or would like to voice support of these thoughts, concerns or other, please do.

Action items

@courane01 will continue to work on the release prep work, especially getting a minimum version of visual organization. Also, follow up with @sippis and @jessecowenson downloadable slide options.

@evarlese will focus on helping with visual organization and anything else that may come up before launch.

@azhiyadev will assist with feedback on initial visual flow and help sort the material.

Recap for Training Meeting November 30, 2020

Attendance: @courane01, @camikaos @webtechpooja, @meher @Rastaban @jessecowens @manzwebdesigns @YashwardhanRana @sippis @oglekler @onealtr @webcommsat

Meeting led by @courane01

Introduction and welcome to new contributors

Agenda for the week of November 30

  1. Introduction and Welcome
  2. Congrats and Thanks
  3. What we’re working on now
  4. Sprint work sessions
  5. Standup/check-in
  6. Open announcements/discussion
  1. Introduction and Welcome
  2. Congrats and Thanks
    1.  Time for more team congrats.  This week’s congrats go to @Michael Geheren.  He clocked many hours last week correcting missing screenshots and fixing broken links on the website. So much so that he received a badge based upon our documentation.   
    2. Also in the mentions this week, #marketing has done a fantastic job preparing for the full launch of the Learn WordPress website. @webcommsat @nalininonstopnewsuk @meher @OGlekler @lmurilliom @yvettesonneveld. And to others from the marketing team who have helped in the meeting collaborations: @chaion07, @megphillips91, @lokesh1994, @herculespekkas @ugyensupport, @yashwardhanrana, @technocrews, @antialiasfactory and others
    3. Cross-team collaboration is really in full effect as we get close to the Learn launch.  We are anticipating a release to coincide with WordPress 5.6 shipping on Dec 8, 2020 (NEXT WEEK)
  3. What we’re working on now
    1. As we near the launch of Learn, we are checking over these areas to get lesson plans really ready for the wider public to discover. That has included fixing broken images, missing content, and more.
  4. Sprint work sessions
    1. @erica organized a sprint work session that occurred several hours on December 1, so there’s quite a lot of activity in our channel just before the meeting began.  Comments are mostly updated onto the High Priority post above.
  5. Standup/check-in
    1. Courtney: Last week @Hauwa Abashiya and I sorted through what remains to be done before launch and organized it on the High Priority post as well as time spent on cross-team communications. Last week @Hauwa Abashiya and I sorted through what remains to be done before launch and organized it on the High Priority post as well as time spent on cross-team communications.
    2. Camikaos: Has been on vacation with no blockers and is now pushing for the Learn working groups to combine and be hosted under Training team, working to update anything prior to the full Learn launch, collaborating with Sandy E on trainings for Kids, recording some workshops from existing lesson plans
    3. Bud Manz has been working and gone on holiday and will spend time next week working on needs-design-feedback tags and helping @camikaos (she/her) on the sprints
  6. Open announcements/discussion
    1. Slides: For next week, Courtney will continue any cross team collab, and thanks to @Jesse Owens, will also check that all the slides in GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. are available on lesson plans.  Jesse has been pivotal in that work.  Hoping to find a low-lift way for users to get a PDF print of the slides we currently have.
      1. Option 1: Instruct the audience to print the slides and use their browser’s print-to-pdf option
      2. Option 2: Have the lesson creator do those steps, and add them to the repositories
      3. Option 3 would be to add a “Print” button in the slide decks themselves
  7. Last announcement:
    1. The idea is that the training team would be the home for all Learn WordPress site info. We’re currently split between #community-team and #training for content, P2s, working group discussions.  Unifying Learn work to the Training team could really help us organize and streamline decisions.

#community-team, #meeting-agenda, #training #marketing

Recap for Training Team Meeting September 4, 2020

Attendance: @chetan200891, @courane01, @knilkantha, @chaion07, @thisisyeasin, @webcommsat, @carike, @tikolan, @azhiyadev

Slack timestamp

Introductions were made and then @courane01 revisited the goal of the Training team, creating lesson plans and instructional materials for anyone to use when teaching others WordPress. Plans have been used in Meetups, traditonal classrooms, bootcamps and workshops. The #community-team uses plans in several outreach initiatives as well, particularly around what is open-source. A few people pop into #training asking to be trained.

@courane01 asked for people interested in being the key lead for welcoming new people to the channel, similar approach to how #marketing welcomes new people to their channel.

Training team current priorities

Cross-team collaboration for Learn siteLearn site The Training Team publishes its completed lesson plans at which is often referred to as the "Learn" site..

After years of hard work, Lesson plans are now live on However, it is not quite ready to draw attention too yet. Meeting notes for Learn site maintenance meeting held Friday 4 September 2020 in #community-team are now available.

Prioritize lesson plans that are current/hot topics, identify which need just a little push to take live.

The team needs to assess the state of lesson plans that are ready to be visible. @carike has done a great job of finding glitches from syncing from GithubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. and @courane01 has tried to compare this against the team’s Trello board (tracks what is done and ready to be live).

There are a few pull requests in Github that should be reviewed/accepted on lesson plans. @courane01 suggested possibly working on a few lessons plans that are new/hot topics like all the changes to using the blockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. editor brought up in 5.5.

@webcommsat is working with @hlashbrooke in the community on promotions and it will be good to gather some key info regarding lesson plans on Learn when this is ready to be promoted.

Discussion welcome on lesson plans. They have been built in Github and @courane01 would like to revisit if this should continue to be the case. The inital reason for using Github was when they were moved, all lesson plans images were lost from the Training team P2P2 P2 or O2 is the term people use to refer to the Make WordPress blog. It can be found at never to be restored.

Need to consider new lesson plans to be drafted. @courane01 has come up with a few but has not written the content for them yet. @webcommsat and @hlashbrooke have talked about linking these lessons/guides from the Q&As they are working on from the release and marketing. It would be good to look at how they can be aware of when these are ready and cross promote the resources. If anyone would like to write these plans then please contact @chetan200891 or @courane01 for access.

Determine what is an agreeable arrangement with brands on brand-specific mentions for important and unavoidable areas like contact forms.

An appropriate strategy is needed to teach things like contact forms or other areas that many sites need, but coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. doesn’t include. Later we can explore the lessons around very common plugins.

Plan/document how to partner with brands.

There is a need to think through what an appropriate mention of brands entails or could do.

Sync up with Polyglots for translating lesson plans.

@courane01 mentioned the need to prepare for partnering with #polygots as we get lessons live. The video workshop area is moving towards those needs as well.

Open announcements/discussions

Based on the Doodle poll, team meeting moving forward will be held on Fridays at 11:00 UTC in #training. @courane01 would be delighted to see a second meeting time for PM in the Americas and AM for parts of the pacific rim. A few people have expressed interest in that time slot.

Please feel free to reach out anytime to get connected, account permissions, etc. For getting onboarded and to start contributing please look at the post written by @chetan200891 It also includes video tutorials.

Action Items

  • @azhiyadev to assist @courane01 in reviewing what is on Learn, comparing it to TrelloTrello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the team uses for example: and identifying what should be live on Learn.
  • Discussion welcome on if lesson plans should continue to be built using Github or some other alternative solution.
  • A few pull requests in Github need to be reviewed/accepted on lesson plans
  • Getting Trello/Github PRs current. We can manually move the completed plans over for now. Github Sync to Learn is disabled until bugs have been sorted. Does anyone have any ideas on comparing those?
  • Draft new lesson plans highlighted above.